Saturday, June 30, 2018

Slow and perfect.

June 30, 2018
Day 640

     This is exactly how our day went. Lazy and lovely. It was quiet. It was slow. And it was wonderful. We spent this day relaxing in our home. There was an hour long bath. And this wasn't a "get clean" bath. It was a "just because" bath. There was popcorn made on the stove with sunflower oil and then drizzled with hot Kerrygold butter and sprinkled with salt. There was not one, but two movies. There were blankets. There were many, many kisses. There were lots of books. There was lots of reading. There might have been a quick cat nap. There was definitely tickling. There was lots of laughing. We like to rewind funny parts on movies and watch them many times over again. This day was beautiful and slow and perfect.

     I am thankful for it.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Gorgeous day with family.

June 29, 2018
Day 639

Tonight, I am thankful for these things:

1. A gorgeous day spent with family. We spent the day laughing, talking, swimming, and watching cute puppies and babies run around. I absolutely love spending time with family.

2. A fun evening with Matt's mom and the kids at a carnival.

3. I plan on staying in all day tomorrow. I love quiet days spent at home. I'm going to make it a good one with my babies.

4. A conversation with a good friend of mine this evening.

5. On the drive home from the carnival tonight, we saw a fox, some deer, and a opossum.

6. It's still June. There are still many days of summer left. I love summer time with my babies.

7. Higbee likes to jump up and kiss me right on the lips when we come home from anywhere. I never stop him.

8. Tomorrow is Matt's last shift before he has five days off in a row. I'm excited.

9. I love our home. It is my refuge.

10. I'm excited that tomorrow is Saturday and it will be too hot for anyone to play outside so we have to stay in all day. Days inside all cozy make me extremely happy.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Six things on a Thursday Night.

June 28, 2018
Day 638

Tonight, I am thankful for:

1. A fun late lunch date with my friend, Rebecca. Uncle Julio's is always delicious. And Rebecca is always good company.

2. I had a quick visit at Matt's grandparent's house the other day. It's always good to visit with them.

3. I went grocery shopping yesterday at Costco and Wegman's. I love having a fully stocked fridge and pantry. We've been making weekly menus. It helps us stick to buying just the things we need.

4. It was a beautiful evening last night.

5. I have the best family.

6. Tomorrow, we will have a fun day with more family and cousins.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wednesday Ten.

June 27, 2018
Day 637

Here are the things I am thankful for today:

1. We went to visit my grandparents today. It's always good to see them.

2. We went down to the beach to put our toes in the sand.

3. We saw some pretty swans at the lake.

4. We had a nice lunch at my grandparents.

5. We played Uno.

6. The kids played on a giant fallen tree.

7. The kids and I had a nice dinner at Panera.

8. Higbee cuddled with me on the couch.

9. Tomorrow is a new day. With no mistakes in it.

10. I get to go out to eat tomorrow with a friend.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Safari Day.

June 26, 2018
Day 636

     Today was a fun day! We went to the Virginia Safari Park with Matt's mom. The kids loved it, but Tobin especially loved it. He loves animals so much. It was amazing to see their excited expressions when they saw animals that they had never seen before. They got to feed a giraffe and a ton of animals on the safari. Matt's mom brought a bunch of snacks along for the trip. She loves to take care of her family. It was an awesome experience, and I'm thankful we got to have such a special day.

Monday, June 25, 2018

55 days to be exact.

June 25, 2018
Day 635

Tonight, I am thankful for these things:

1. A productive day. We cleaned and organized.

2. Adelyn and Tobin played together all day nicely. They colored. They played pirates. They made a party for us. They are amazing beings.

3. Higbee ran a lot today. Matt cut the grass, and Higbee likes to be outside with Matt while he's cleaning up the grass clippings. He literally just runs across the yard as fast as he can. You can tell it's pure joy on his face.

4. I added books to my bookshelf today. Adding books to my book collection always makes me smile.

5. We had leftovers from Steph and Mario and Sue to eat for lunch and dinner today. It was a huge blessing.

6. Tomorrow, we are going to the Virginia Safari Park. The kids are very excited. Sue has purchased a ton of snacks and goodies for the trip. She sure knows how to make an outing a special occasion.

7. I love the smell of my home.

8. My husband kisses me and hugs me often. Sometimes, I get frustrated when he wants to stop me from what I'm doing to hug and kiss him, but I'm glad I have to him to remind me to stop. To kiss. To hug. And to enjoy the moment I'm in instead of worrying about my to do list.

9. It has been a mild summer so far. I like mild summers. Warm weather but not too hot.

10. The sunset was magnificent.

11. I love the smell of Higbee.

12. I love kisses from my babies. Adelyn has a slightly wet kiss. Tobin has a more pronounced pucker, and he kisses you square on the lips.

13. I'm so glad that I have so many days left of summer. 55 days to be exact. I'm going to make them count.

14. I'm going to eat ice cream right after I finish writing this. I'm going to eat it in bed while I watch a show. And I'm not ashamed to admit it.

15. I love phone conversations with my parents. They call because they still care about me so much. They care for me just as they did when I was their small child.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

I don't deserve such happiness.

June 24, 2018
Day 634

I am thankful for:


-family dinners.

-family members who care when you're crying.

-my dad who took an entire day off to install water filters in our home so our water is safe to drink.

-my brother in law who has spent three days in a row fixing our vehicle so the brakes work properly.

-my sister who opens up her home to us to so we can shower and eat.

-my mother in law who cooked for us and packed up leftovers for us to take home because we can't cook at home right now.

-my sister in law who spent time chatting with me. It's always good to sit and talk.

-my brother in law who is the best at grilling food.

-my mom who is always there for me to talk and pray with me and for me.

-my brother. I will always love him.

-Higbee. I absolutely love and adore my dog. I love the way he smells, the way he looks at me, the way he purrs when I lay with him cuddle with him.

-our home. This home is a gift from God. I seriously can't believe that I live here sometimes.

-for lunch dates planned with my sister. Lunch and books. What could be better than that? I love bookstores.

-for things to be thankful for. My life is lovely. And I don't deserve such happiness.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Not "even though."

June 23, 2018
Day 633

     I could begin this blog post with: even though. But I won't. I won't begin with an even though, because there is much, much more to be thankful for.

     I will say these things instead:

1. The forest looks magical after a rain storm. The trees drip with water for sometimes hours afterwards. They seem to really enjoy the rain.

2. The light that floods the forest comes from all different angles. It shines wherever it pleases whenever it pleases. The trees seem to really enjoy the sun.

3. There are grapes and blueberries growing in my garden.

4. There is a beautiful desk in my library where I can sit and write and look out the window at a gorgeous piece of land that I own. It's mine. I live here. Sometimes, I still can't believe it.

5. My dad is here right now helping us.

6. My husband loves me.

7. My kids love me and we had an ice cream sundae party while we watched a rerun of America's Got Talent.

8. It is summer time.

9. There wasn't a tornado today. I got a tornado warning alert on my phone, but there was no tornado.

10. I have a front porch.

11. My sister lets us come shower and eat at her house every day.

12. Matt's mom let us come shower at her house, and she buys us dinner and snacks at the movie theater.

13. My bed is really comfy.

14. My children are so beautiful. And sweet. And funny. They make me laugh. I love to hear them laugh hard.

15. I have lots of books in my library to read. I love to read.

16. Soon, I will have water in my house again.

17. Adelyn and Tobin drew me pictures today.

18. I got to hold my children and hug them and be with them today. I'm so beyond blessed to have them. I don't deserve such happiness.

19. I love the smell of my home.

20. Patty and I have plans to hang out next Monday together during Odette's nap time. We're going to McKay's used book store. I can't wait. I love perusing around the book store for hours with my best friend.

I'm proud I found 20 things to be thankful for instead of saying, "even though." Even though doesn't really need to be said. Instead, speak the truth. And the truth is always this: you can find things to be thankful for. If you try.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Ten things.

June 22, 2018
Day 632

Here are the good bits about today:

1. It was very rainy.

2. I stayed at home with my babies all day.

3. My kids were cuddly.

4. Higbee was cuddly.

5. I finished organizing my library.

6. I like to see lots of books on my bookshelf.

7. I felt productive today.

8. This day was good, and I'm thankful for it.

9. We went to see Jurassic World as a family. It was fun.

10. There are ten things on this list of good things that happened today.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

This day was lovely.

June 21, 2018
Day 631

     Thankful for my sister and brother in law. They let us shower and eat at their home when our home is having well issues. Thankful for clean water to wash my dishes in at my sister's house. Thankful for a quiet day at home watching over Odette and the puppies while my sister took the bigs and the middles to the pool. Side note: Tobin and Phia have been promoted from the littles to the the middles. Thankful for my dog who guards us when we are home alone. Thankful for God who promises to watch over us when we sleep. Thankful for sweet text messages from my husband. He loves me so. Thankful for a new day tomorrow. This day was lovely, and I'm thankful that I had this day to live.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Fresh new start each morning.

June 20, 2018
Day 630

     Thankful for new storage containers. Thankful for a good day at my sister's. Thankful for Tobin's first lost tooth. Thankful for letters to the tooth fairy. Thankful for the rain. Thankful for Higbee. Thankful for family. Thankful for time to lay in bed and sleep. Thankful for fresh new starts each morning.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Summer days.

June 19, 2018
Day 629

     Thankful for a lovely lunch with Matt's mom. Thankful for a fun time shopping at Toys R Us. Thankful for new toys, and the joy of paying for something yourself. My kids discovered that joy today. Thankful for my children and my family. Thankful for summer days.

Monday, June 18, 2018

For many days of summer left.

June 18, 2018
Day 628

     Thankful for a good day at home with my babies. Thankful for our beautiful home. Thankful for time with Matt. Thankful for time to be still and quiet. Thankful for many days of summer left.

Sunday, June 17, 2018


June 17, 2018
Day 627

 I'm thankful for:

-road trips

-ice cream

-the feeling of being home

-the feeling of being in my own bed

-good food

-time to sleep

-my dad, my husband, AJ, and other dads I love

-63 days of summer left

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Best vacation ever.

June 16, 2018
Day 626

     Thankful for an incredible last day. The water was clear and warm and calm. The waves were gentle. The sea was green. It was lovely. I found incredible shells today with the best being a large conch. After dinner, we went back to the beach for one more beach walk and it was beautiful. I love the ocean. And I'm thankful we could spend a week in the sand.

Friday, June 15, 2018

One more day.

June 15, 2018
Day 625

     Thankful for a gorgeous day at the beach. The weather was glorious. The water felt amazing. The sand was cool. It was so relaxing that I took a nap. It was the most relaxing sleep ever. Thankful for my favorite people and my favorite place. Thankful for good food and for fun games. Thankful for one more day here together.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

My favorites.

June 14, 2018
Day 624

     Thankful for time with my favorites. Thankful for good food. Thankful for a few days left of this vacation. Thankful for my family.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Is there anything else to say?

June 13, 2018
Day 623

     We spent this entire day at the beach. We had pasta and homemade ice cream for dinner. I was with all my favorite people. Is there anything else to say?


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Amazing Tuesday.

June 12, 2018
Day 622

This day was rainy and it was the best. We went to Kitty Hawk, and climbed all the way from the beginning of the sand dunes to the end. It was a great workout. Walking in sand is always hard. It was cool and cloudy so the sand was cool. Then we went out to lunch. When we came home, we swam in the pool in the rain. It was great fun. Our dinner was delicious. The ice cream was phenomenal. Peach ice cream and chocolate. Homemade.

Thankful for the amazing Tuesday.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Amazing Monday.

June 11, 2018
Day 621

     This day was cool and cloudy. The water was freezing. The sand was cold. And it was glorious! I loved it! The wind was blowing. We had a dance party after dinner. We had a delicious meal, and homemade ice cream after dinner. The ice cream was fabulous. This day was amazing, and I'm thankful for it.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

First day of vacation.

June 10, 2018
Day 620

     Thankful for the first day of vacation. Thankful for a safe trip to Corolla for my whole family. Thankful for a day at the pool. Thankful for good food and a great week ahead. Thankful to be able to cuddle in bed with my husband.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Sweet sweet summertime.

June 9, 2018
Day 619

     Thankful for an exciting week coming up. Thankful for my husband and my babies and my furry baby. Thankful for sweet sweet summertime.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Tomorrow is the first official day of summer for us!

June 8, 2018
Day 618

     Today was a good day. I went and finished cleaning my classroom and after that I went grocery shopping. When I got home, my kids weren't feeling well, so we watched TV and laid on the couch all day. It was great fun. We ate chips and pops and ice cream. And we cuddled. Tomorrow is the first official day of summer for us. And I can't wait. This summer will be fantastic. I have great plans for our family!

     Thankful for my family. Thankful for God's blessings. Thankful for many, many days off with my family.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Last day.

June 7, 2018
Day 617

     Today was the last day of school and I cannot wait to be still and quiet this summer. Thankful for a fun day. Thankul for sweet teacher gifts. Thankful for time to sleep. I'm exhausted.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

A good day.

June 6, 2018
Day 616

     I am thankful that tomorrow is the last day of school. I am thankful for the time I got to spend with my students. I am thankful for my beautiful gift of a home that sits on top of a hill surrounded by the electric green glow of the sunlight hitting the leaves. I am thankful for my children. I am thankful that it is almost time for me to be with my babies 24/7. We are going to sleep in and be lazy on Friday. Then we have vacation. Then we have, "Sanderson Summer Camp." We're going to go adventuring, read books, go to the pool, go to new places, and learn new things. I'm thankful that it's bedtime.

     Thankful and grateful for a good day.

Short post.

June 5, 2018
Day 617

     Thankful for the end of the school year rapidly approaching. Thankful that next week at this time, I will be at the beach. Thankful for beautiful blue sky days with puffy white clouds and cool breezes. Thankful to be able to feel the wind on my skin. Thankful for a few more days with my students.


Monday, June 4, 2018

Monday Five

June 4, 2018
Day 616

This is the last Monday of the school year.

We have an exciting first week of summer planned.

There are only a few days left in the week.

I'm so ready for bed.

Thankful for this day.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Rainy Sunday.

June 3, 2018
Day 615

     Today was lovely and rainy and cozy. The kids and I had to go grocery shopping even though Tobin wasn't feeling well. We had to do breathing treatments today, so we went grocery shopping in between treatments. But the rest of the day, we spent at home together. Being quiet. Cleaning. Cooking. Playing. Doing puzzles. Watching Dr. Quinn. My parents came by on their way home from my grandparent's house. We had dinner together, and then watched a little more Dr. Quinn. It always feels like home when my parents are here. There are times when I miss living at home with them.

     I'm thankful for these things today:
-soup with cabbage, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, corn, tomatoes, and turkey meatballs.
-Higbee sleeping in my bed.
-kisses from my babies.
-my kids organized their toy room, and put little labels on their boxes. It made me smile.
-a visit from my parents.
-sweet text messages from Matt.
-a little creek that formed in our front yard because of all the rain.
-two beautiful deer in my backyard.
-the sound of the rain in the forest.
-tea with honey.
-Dr. Quinn.
-fresh bed sheets.
-this is the last week of school for this year.
-next week, we're going on vacation.

It was a good day, and I'm thankful.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

In spite of me.

June 2, 2018
Day 614

     Thankful for family dinners. Thankful for the best family. And the best children and husband. Thankful for tea and apples and oranges. And for dark chocolate cake so dark, it looks black. Thankful for weather that seems threatening, but fizzles out to nothing. Thankful for my home. For time to write. For this space to be thankful. For my God. Who gives freely and in kind in spite of me.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Just two.

June 1, 2018
Day 613

Thankful for my friends's birthday. Thankful that I can lay in bed until morning.