Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Simple list.

April 30, 2019
Day 944

Thankful for:

my bed.

time to sleep.

my husband.

my babies.

my dog.

my plants.

my home.

Monday, April 29, 2019


April 29, 2019
Day 943

     Tonight, I'm thankful for Patty. Today is her birthday. If it wasn't for Patty, I'd be lost. I'd be lonely. I'd be sad. I'd be alone. Wherever she is where my home is. She makes everything okay. She makes everything better. She makes me smile and laugh more than any other person I know. I am so thankful that God made a person called Patty and chose to give her to me as a sister.

     My kids were watching Frozen the other day, and I realized that Elsa and Anna are a lot like me and Patty. I'm Elsa. Patty is Anna. Elsa loves the cold and she has magic powers, but she's got issues. Anna is just perfect. She is kind. She loves others. She is fun and funny. She believes the best about people. But the main thing is this: Anna is the hero of the story. She saves Elsa and literally everyone else in Arendelle.

     I realized this just yesterday: Patty's the hero. She saves me. She saves everybody. All day. Every day.

     Thankful for Patty.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

My sister.

April 28, 2019
Day 942

Thankful for:


time with family.

lemon bundt cake.

vanilla ice cream.



steak and cheese sandwiches.

hot tater tots.

gag gifts.

my sister. I'd be lost in a ditch somewhere without her.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Yard sale treasures.

April 27, 2019
Day 941

Thankful for:

the end of a very long day.

happy Adelyn and happy Tobin.

hot showers.



hot tea.


yard sale treasures.

Patty's birthday tomorrow.


special days.

one more day of the weekend left.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Short post.

April 26, 2019
Day 940

Thankful for:

Friday night.

kissing my babies goodnight.

knowing that my husband is caring for our babies well while I'm working.

short blog posts.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Plants on my windowsill.

April 25, 2019
Day 939

Thankful for:

today is Thursday.

tomorrow is Friday.

my babies.

my sister.

time to be at home.

the smell of my home.

Dr. Quinn. 


hot tea.

kisses from Higbee.

being able to help my babies into bed.

the ability and the opportunity to love and hug and play with my kids.

our home.

plants growing in my windowsill.

plants to water.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019


April 24, 2019
Day 938

Thankful for:

time with Patty

a fresh haircut and color

new eyebrows

Greek salad for dinner


good days with the people that I love

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

An evening to myself.

April 23, 2019
Day 937

Thankful for:

chicken, rice, and peas for dinner.

apple slices.

a big mug of tea.

Uno before dinner with Tobin.

Higbee cuddling with me in bed while I write this.

Dr. Quinn. 

an exciting date tomorrow.

time with Patty.

an evening to myself at home.

phone calls with my mom.

my bed.

my weighted blanket.

the woods.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Glowly, green leaves.

April 22, 2019
Day 936

Thankful for:

a relaxing day at home with my family.

family walks.

time to lay in bed and talk with Matt.

the view outside my window.

glowy, green leaves.

Higbee running in the yard.

kisses and hugs from my babies.



Go Fish.

our home.

food to eat.

a fine Monday.

Sunday, April 21, 2019


April 21, 2019
Day 935

Thankful for:




Easter dinner with family.




Time to lay in bed and relax.

One more day of Easter break.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Skin under a setting sun.

April 20, 2019
Day 934

Thankful for:

impromptu fishing trips.

one fish caught...

and released.



the color of the sky.


the color and tone of skin under a setting sun.

time with family.

The Ten Commandments. 

coloring Easter eggs.

Odette's birthday party.


ice cream.

good food.

walks in the woods to find worms.

plans for another fun day with family tomorrow.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Time to crochet.

April 19, 2019
Day 933

Thankful for:

rainy days.

fun mornings with family.

Easter pictures with the Easter bunny.

Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. 

time to sit and crochet a blanket.

friendship bracelet making materials.

homemade pizza.

ice cream.

Spring break.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Drives for nothing other than jellybeans.

April 18, 2019
Day 932

Thankful for:


Odette's 2nd birthday.



sidewalk chalk.

books about little bunnies.

time spent with my sister.

ice cream.

Dr. Quinn. 

drives to Trader Joe's with my sister for nothing other than jellybeans.


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Freshly cut grass.

April 17, 2019
Day 931

Thankful for:

good dentist appointments for my children.

time spent with my family.

time to go grocery shopping alone.

time at home alone.

time spent with my sister and her babies.

big, impromptu family dinners.


the smell of bacon cooking in my home.

freshly cut grass.

walks in the neighborhood.

drives in the neighborhood.


my home in the woods.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Days spent at home.

April 16, 2019
Day 930

Thankful for:

days spent at home.

a clean home to enjoy just for us.

fun times spent with our babies at a trampoline park in Manassas.

breakfast for dinner.

kisses from my husband.

cuddles with my babies. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Socks, sweater, bowls of chicken soup.

April 15, 2019
Day 929

Thankful for:

a quiet day spent entirely at home. I love not having to drive anywhere. I can stay in the woods and be still and quiet.

windy, cool days that make me thankful to stay at home in my socks and sweater with many bowls of homemade chicken noodle soup.

the time to clean my home completely from top to bottom.

the feeling of relaxing in my clean home.

the time to grade all of my papers while I relax with some tea and Dr. Quinn. 

ice cream and Impractical Jokers. 

my weighted blanket.

the fullness and green of the forest right now.

hearing a fox scream.

Higbee being all cuddly.

my babies. They make every day a lovely, fun, loud adventure.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Fresh fruit on a white plate.

April 14, 2019
Day 928

Thankful for:

Sunday mornings spent at church.

Shopping with three adults and five children in Wegman's on a Sunday morning.

Seeing Mario in Wegman's.

Shopping for things like strawberries, pineapple, and corn on the cob.

Family Sunday dinners at home with the best family ever. I can pick a fight with any of them, and they always forgive me and love me anyways.

Bun-less burgers and roasted vegetables.

Fresh fruit served on a white plate.

The sounds of kids playing.

A quiet evening in bed watching Friends after everyone had gone home.

God protecting me and my family and our house during bad thunderstorms with green skies.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Glowing spider eyes.

April 13, 2019
Day 927

Thankful for:

Saturday mornings spent with my sister and her family.

Armando helping Matt fix his vehicle, affectionately named: Dead Red.

Eating healthy.

Saturday evening spent at home around the fire pit with Jason.

Watching Jason play with our kids.


Hot dogs and marshmallows roasted over the fire.

Finding spiders with my head lamp by looking for their glowing eyes.

A fine Saturday evening.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Spring Break!

April 12, 2019
Day 926

Thankful for:

Friday nights.

Foster's burgers and fries.

The feeling of not having to set my alarm for the next day...or the next ten days for that matter.

Tobin's response to Matt when Matt told him it was time for bed: "It's Friday night, dude!"

Spring break!!!

nights to lay in bed and relax.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Higbee and apples.

April 11, 2019
Day 925

Thankful for:

-good days at school.

-tomorrow is a party day.

-after tomorrow, I get ten days off. I literally cannot wait.

-I get to wear running shoes to school tomorrow.


-Higbee likes to share an apple with me every night, and that makes me happy.

-my weighted blanket. I find myself thinking in the mornings when I'm driving to work: I can't wait to get home to lay under my blanket tonight.

-a clean kitchen.

-homemade chicken soup.

-my hair appointment is coming soon.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Raw veggies for lunch.

April 10, 2019
Day 924

Thankful for:

-Wonderful Reading Wednesdays.

-getting projects done.

-raw veggies for lunch.

-new personal projects.

-Friday is almost here.

-that means that Saturday is almost here.


-nights to do things for myself like waxing and painting my toes.

-stacks of books by my bed.

-I'm going to paint over Easter break, and I'm very excited about it. I love seeing my house change before my eyes. Paint makes it look like a whole new house.

-mugs of hot tea.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Short lists of things that I'm thankful for.

April 9, 2019
Day 923

Thankful for:

-Matt cleaned the kitchen for me so I didn't have to when I got home.

-the end of this school day.

-only a few more days until Easter break.

-short lists of things that I'm thankful for.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday mornings.

April 8, 2019
Day 922

Thankful for:


-Monday mornings.

-messages from my cousin.

-cool mornings.

-sweaters in the morning.

-cool breezes.

-the start of the last week before spring break.

-Patty's homemade Irish soda bread.

-Patty's homemade Irish soda bread with lots of butter.

-new opportunities.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

A fine birthday.

April 7, 2019
Day 921

Thankful for:

a fine birthday.

good food.

good appetizers.

time to eat good food.


ice cream cake.

when people tell me they love me on my birthday.

corned beef and cabbage.

time to sit and be still and quiet.

thankful for a fabulous day today!

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Fire pit night.

April 6, 2019
Day 920

     Thankful for naps in the middle of the day. Thankful for my birthday ahead. Thankful for shoe shopping trips. Thankful for new shoes. Thankful for a hair appointment. Thankful for time spent in the forest. Thankful for a fire pit night with my husband and for wine and american spirits.

Friday, April 5, 2019

All weekend.

April 5, 2019
Day 919

     Thankful for nights at Vertical Rock with my kids. They love climbing, and I love to watch them. Thankful for birthday presents from friends, and milkshakes on the way home. Thankful for the weekend ahead. Thankful that I get to drive home to the woods and stay there all weekend.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Calm from the storm

April 4, 2019
Day 918

Thankful for:

Dr. Quinn

a burger for dinner

the feeling of accomplishment when I've done all my work

kisses and hugs from my babies

calls from my sister

tomorrow is Friday

hot tea

moon cheese

a good salad for dinner tomorrow

a bath waiting for me as soon as I'm done with this

the feeling of having nothing to do on Saturday

calm from the storm



Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The smell of springtime.

April 3, 2019
Day 917

Thankful for:

-open windows.

-the sound of Matt reading to our sweet son.

-kisses from Adelyn.

-plans for a girl's day with my own sweet girl.

-our home.

-the way Higbee greets me when we come home.

-phone calls with my mom.


-knowing that change is just around the corner and being excited about it.

-phone calls with my sister.

-video messaging with my cousin, Pam. Well, her name is actually Lauren, but I've called her Pam for so long now, it feels like her real name.

-Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman

-texts from my husband.

-hugs and kisses from my husband.

-Higbee sleeping in my bed.

-the smell of springtime.

-kissing my babies goodnight.

-the feeling of a clean kitchen, and a clean home, and a prepped kitchen for tomorrow morning.

-the hope of something bigger and better.

-tomorrow is Thursday which means the next day is Friday.

-I love Fridays.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

That will feel glorious.

April 2, 2019
Day 916

     I feel like crying today. My brain feels like a blender. This day was hard and confusing, and my thoughts are all jumbled up. I want to scream and sit on the floor and cry and eat cake and ice cream. There's no real reason for all the confusion except that I'm very busy. And I feel like the little time I do have, I waste.

     No more. I will take every thought captive tomorrow. I will make every second count. I will be the best Christen I can be. I will be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister, teacher, worker, friend I can be.

     I am so thankful that each day begins new and fresh. Each new day smells lemony and minty. Each new morning dawns with new opportunities. I will not waste them tomorrow. I will live my day tomorrow so that tomorrow night, I can go to bed feeling exhausted and satisfied and accomplished.

     That will feel glorious.

Monday, April 1, 2019


April 1, 2019
Day 915

Thankful for:

projects that are almost completed.


time to write about what I'm thankful for.


my husband.

nights when I get to work in bed.

fresh new days every morning.