June 24, 2021
Day 1,702
Today, I am thankful for:
morning sex
breakfast burritos
making up from a fight
hugs and kisses from my husband
a beautiful day
time to go visit Matt's grandma
coming home to the best house and forest and family and dog ever
hot dogs roasted over an open fire for dinner
sitting out at the fire pit with Matt from 7ish to midnight
hearing a fox scream many times
watching fireflies
talking about old times with Matt
learning things we never knew before
watching the stars
being still and quiet
marveling at the space on this earth that is ours
a fun day planned tomorrow
hearing Matt say amazing words about me and knowing that he really means them
Adelyn and Tobin are sleeping in a fort tonight; a sure sign of summer
a very good (I had to ask Matt what day it was) Thursday
friendly fire
orange glowing embers
things to be thankful for