Day 2,174
Thankful for:
A day called Friday.
Cold air.
The feeling of coming home on a Friday night.
Time with Casey, Sophia, and Odette. I watched them while Patty and Armando went on a date for Armando's birthday today.
Armando's birthday. I'm thankful to call him my family.
Bread rising for tomorrow to eat with chicken soup.
Sourdough living on my counter. I love taking care of it every day.
My warm, dry home.
Matt. He works so hard for our family.
The feeling of tidying up a bit from the day and the week.
Hot tea.
A great week at school.
Time to get caught up on work I need to get done for school.
My lesson plans are done for next week and the following week.
Tobin gets to go to a birthday party tomorrow.
A quick phone call with my mom.
Going to bed with a feeling of accomplishment at having finished one thing off my to do list for school.
Creamed honey with strawberries. It's so, so delicious. I just want to eat it by the spoonful.
Texts from Matt.
Time to sleep all night.
I don't have to set the alarm for tomorrow morning. I love waking up naturally.
Higbee. He's very sweet and cute.
Home Improvement.
A nice, long, hot shower.
Also, a cold shower. Sometimes, I crave cold water.