Day 2,444
It was another really great day! I met my friend, Heidi, for breakfast in the morning. We met at 9 and talked until 12:15. It was so good to just sit and talk for a long while. When I came home, I made lunch for everyone, and then I talked with my friend, Mary Pat, on the phone for over an hour. It was so good to talk with her and continue catching up. We got to hang out while we were in Florida, and we agreed that we needed to talk way more often. I'm so thankful for great friendships that stand the test of time. I'm thankful that God has put such amazing people in my life to call mine.
My parents and Hank came over for dinner last night. I made chicken soup, a nice salad, and sourdough bread. It was a lovely meal. I think I could live off of soup, salad, and bread for the rest of my life and be totally happy about it. The salad was: chopped kale, tomatoes, olives, red onion, cucumber, fresh mint, and feta. I drizzled olive oil over it and finished it with salt and pepper. I toasted the fresh sourdough and smothered the pieces in butter. The soup was carrots, celery, onion, and garlic, chicken, and rice. I don't think there is any better flavor in the world hardly than a buttered piece of good bread dipped into a delicious chicken soup. It was really great to see my parents and Hank and have dinner with them. My parents sold their home today, and they are going to be building a house. It is an answer to prayer, and I am so overjoyed and happy for the amazing things God is doing in their lives. We prayed a long time ago to be able to open the expensive bottle of red wine that my dad has been saving for a special occasion. Last night, I was reminded of that prayer. I told my parents, "You sold your house, you're building a new one, Dad has his own's time to open that bottle of wine!" It was a cool moment, and I'm thankful that God answers prayers.
Matt, Adelyn, and I watched a movie while Tobin played some video games. At bedtime, Adelyn got in trouble for pushing her brother out of the bathroom. Matt and I talked with her, but I was upset and I let my voice be harsher and more stern than I needed to be. Adelyn got really upset, and I realized that I am expecting perfection from my child. That's what she is. She's 12, and 12 is still a child. I apologized, and I was able to lay in bed with her and hold her. I'm thankful she let me hold her, and I'm thankful my children love me enough to forgive me when I'm wrong. I'm thankful that I still get to hold her. I'm thankful that Tobin was concerned about his big sister and went and gave her a huge hug before he went to sleep. He asked, "How's Addy?" I just love my sweet children. I do not deserve them. They are both just two of the very best people I know in the world. I'm thankful I get to be the one to take care of them. I'm thankful for my sweet husband. He knows how to make Adelyn laugh when she's upset. He knows how to love us all so perfectly. I'm thankful for this beautiful life. It is so good.