Day 98. Steph
While I was doing the dishes today, I started thinking about Steph. And how far back our relationship goes. We were friends in high school before I even started dating Matt. How funny is that? I remember riding in the back of Betsy driving home from track practice one night. Betsy was the family station wagon. She was blue. And she was big. She just looked like a Betsy! She soon became my station wagon. And, for real, I loved her! Pinecones stuck in the grill from me running into an tree...she was a beauty. I treated her like she was a race car. The Radiohead song, "Karma Police," came on the radio, and we both agreed that Yorke had a sexy voice. And we sat in the back seat (the very back seat, the one where you face the car driving behind you), jamming out to Radiohead. It was just one of those moments you remember always. Don't know why...
I also remember a fight Steph and I had. Well, you really couldn't call it a fight. It was more like I screamed in her face, and she restrained herself from punching me. Really. I have no recollection of why I was so pissed, but I remember getting off the phone with her, and thinking...that's it. I'm going to drive over there, and let her have it. And that's what I did. I left my house. Drove over to Yadkin Court, with my sister and my cousin, Jen, for back-up. I parked, got out of the car, went in the house, and literally started screaming in her face. We were sitting at the kitchen table, and I was probably about one inch away from her face. Screaming my head off. And she just sat there. Not looking at me. Just staring at the window in front of her. I've never seen someone so calm and composed in the face of such rage. It was amazing, really.
We laugh about it now. But I was thinking this about that situation. What kind of person has someone scream in their face, at the top of their lungs for several minutes, and does nothing? And then, forgives the screamer. And then, accepts said screamer as sister in law. And then, loves the sister in law, like a sister.
Stephanie. She amazes me. She is so loving, giving, unselfish, and kind. She doesn't hold a grudge, obviously. :) She knows everything there is to know about me, and still loves me, and calls me sister. She has been there for me during the hardest times in my life. She is like that with everyone. You can ALWAYS count on her. For help. For love. For a listening ear. And, you know what? She doesn't get enough recognition for how amazing she is.
I love you so much, Steph. I am so proud and honored to call you sister. Thanks for loving me. So thankful for you!
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