Countdown, Day 11 & 12, September 16th
Day 11:
Yesterday was such a fun day! Spent the day at Haymarket Day. A day celebrating our little town, Haymarket. We left our house early Saturday morning at around 9:15 for the parade. We walked right out of our neighborhood...and there was the parade. Pretty awesome. Adelyn and Casey had a blast! After that, we walked around and looked at all the vendors. Got some yummy food, homemade sodas, etc. Adelyn and Casey went on a train ride! The highlight of their day, no doubt. We walked all day until we got home around 2. Several times during our day, I had to stop, and bend over to try and stretch out my back. The weight of my belly puts such a strain on it. Seriously...back pain is the worst. The worst! My back hurts when I sleep. Matt was like, "someone is going to think you're in labor." Sure woman came over and asked if I was okay.
Moral of the story: when one is 35+ weeks pregnant, one should not walk around from 9am until 2pm. I didn't drink enough, I didn't eat enough...felt like absolute crap. Thought I was going into labor. Got seriously panicked. Thus the reason I didn't post yesterday.
Day 12:
Feeling good today. My little Tobin is moving and kicking like crazy. He's getting cramped in there. I can feel him moving way down low. Feels strange. Like he is scratching my cervix. Got a confirmation call from my OB. The date is set at the hospital. I got instructions about when to arrive at the hospital, to not eat or drink from midnight on, etc. It's getting real. He's really coming soon. Sometimes, I wake up at night, and can't go back to sleep. I lay there thinking about the c-section. Fearing. But then I think to myself, I birthed a 11 lb 13 oz baby. I birthed River. I can definitely handle this. The words of the OB that saved Adelyn's life come back to me, "You are one tough cookie." I often think about those words. I'm like, really. I am? I feel like the biggest wimp in the world. Just getting blood drawn makes me cry. But, if I really think about it...I am one tough cookie. Because I am wimp, and I was able to handle birthing Adelyn, and I made it through. I birthed and lost River, and I made it through. So, if I can make it through those things, that makes me tough, right? And being tough means I can make it through this c-section. I might be scared. I might be a wimp, but I will make, in actuality, I'm one tough cookie.
I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I'm scared, but I can do this.
You're right. Back pain is so awful. That last month of pregnancy is brutal. Hang in there! Try not to worry about the c-section! You'll be sore for a few days, but it's not too bad. You'll do great :)