Wednesday, October 10, 2012

5 Days Left

5 Days Left

     Packed half of my hospital bag tonight. Stuff for Tobin. A new paci, cute outfits, a new blanket, some hats. Been trying to clean. I just can't resist the insatiable urge I have to clean this house from top to bottom. It's hard to clean when my belly is the size of two basketballs!

     A friend from high school commented on my blog yesterday, saying that her stay in the hospital after her c-section was awesome. I never really thought about my hospital stay that way until I read her comment. I will have from Monday until Thursday to do nothing but lay in bed, and cuddle my new son. And I'm thinking...that's pretty sweet! Thanks, Carrie. Previously, I had been thinking about my hospital stay in a negative way. Mainly because of those nasty trays they wheel over your bed, and those black things they use to keep your food hot. Those two things gross me out. Can't explain it...just OCD thoughts, I guess. But, now...I'm thinking, I literally get to lay in bed and look at my son for four days straight. It's a pretty awesome thought. Can't. Wait.

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