Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"Lies" my parents told me that were actually truths.

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 71

     There are countless "lies" my parents used to tell me. "Lies" that I now know are truths. Maybe lie is the wrong word. It's not that I thought my parents were actively lying to me, I just didn't believe these things that they told me to be truths. So, it they weren't truths, then what were they?  Among the top "lies" are these: (in no order of importance)

1. It goes too fast. My parents used to say this constantly. Constantly. I know I've written about it before, but it has taken on a new meaning now that I have babies of my own. It makes sense. Sadly. And they were right. Again, sadly. It goes too fast.

2. Country music is good music. I believed this while I was very young. But, when I became a teenager, I found it to be a "lie." I was wrong. I am currently obsessed with Zac Brown Band's, Free. Amazing love song. Amazing. This song makes me want to dance with Matt. And make out with him a little.

3. Blood is thicker than water. Family is the most important thing in this world. It's not that I didn't believe this per's just that I didn't really understand how true it really was. As a young kid, you come to think of friends as being the most important. The top of the list. There are friends that come into that top of the list category, but they are far and few between. I'm lucky to have a few of those friends. Friends that stay friends no matter how much has happened, no matter how much time has gone by. But family? "It is not flesh and blood, but heart which makes us fathers and sons." (Friedrich von Schiller) I've come to learn that without family, this world is scary, and lonely.

4. That living in the country would be amazing. My Dad talked for years. And years. And years. About how amazing it would be to live on our own property. Plant our own food. Keep a few animals for fresh eggs and milk. To step out on your front porch and see nothing but starlight. To get the hell out of Northern Virginia! Those things are literally--everything--we want in a future home.

5. That people who are mean to you, make fun of you, or treat you badly...are that way for one of two reasons. They are jealous of you. Or deep down inside, they really like you. Every time I would come home from school upset because some person was picking on me, my Dad would say that to me. He was right. Here's a prime example: Matt, my husband, made fun of me like crazy in 7th grade. I would go home from school crying. Hmmm, I wonder? Did he like me? 

     Thankful that all the "lies" just weren't so. I'm thankful that I've learned these truths. I hope to teach my children the same truths some day. 


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