Matt has said it several times the past couple of days, and I think he's right. 2013. The year of the sunset. The number of amazing sunsets this year has been astronomical. I am literally running out my door practically every other night to capture another glorious evening of setting sun, cloud, and color. I only got a few pictures of tonight's awesome show...
I mean, even on nights when you think it's just going to be a ho-hum sunset, it ends up being fantastic. Beyond fantastic. I can't get enough of them. It has kind of got to the point where I just want to go sit on my favorite hill from about 4 to 6 each night. Just sit there and wait for the glory and splendor of the evening to unfold.
Tonight was a special night for the kids. I have no desire to watch any Hunger Games movies. I just...don't want to. Can't explain it. Anyways, Matt, Patty, and AJ really wanted to go see Catching Fire. So, I volunteered to stay home, and watch the kids while they went out. The kids were super excited about it. Aren't sleepovers the best?
Thankful for this year and it's beautiful sunsets. Some were so beautiful they made me emotional. Sounds silly to some people, I realize. But nature does that to us. When we sit at the beach, we feel relaxed and at peace. When we stare at lighting and dark clouds from a wicked storm, we feel humbled in the presence of a great force we can't control. When we sit under our favorite tree in the fall or the spring, we feel at home. Why shouldn't a sunset make me feel anything else but emotional. Thankful for sleepovers. Thankful for sweet children to kiss goodnight. Thankful for Addy and Casey who talked excitedly for quite some time before drifting off to sleep. Thankful for Tobin and Sophia who communicate through smiles and laughter. It was a good day. And a cozy night. Made especially cozy by the warm glow of our Christmas tree. Christmas tree glow is the best kind of glow.