Project 365 * 2 -- Day 302
Well, I've been trying for quite sometime now to upload a video of our lunchtime today. It's nothing special. Just a regular old lunchtime. But, is special. Adelyn and Tobin make regular old lunchtime a time worth recording. Tonight, I was thinking about all the home video I've seen of me, and Patty, and Shane as children. Some of it contains video of special days. Sure. But, the bulk of it is, just life. Life, recorded. What we did. The way we laughed. They way we played. The clothes we wore. Life, happening. Today wasn't, by definition, a special day. But, with Adelyn and Tobin around, every day turns out special. And, hopefully, when they are grown, they will look back on their lives recorded, and feel joy and love and warmth. Because that's what every home video should do. It should make you feel warm and cozy inside. Like you're coming in from the cold. Like you're home.
Thankful for lunchtime. Thankful for time with my babies. Thankful that any time spent with them is a special time indeed.
Here's the link to the video of our lunchtime: Lunchtime.
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