Saturday, December 7, 2013

A thrill of hope. Weary world, rejoice.

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 341

     We spent a sweet day at home together. Just the five of us. (Hey, Roxy's a part of our family, too.) Our kids love listening to Christmas music. And several times throughout the day, we stopped what we were doing to listen and dance to it. While we were listening to one song, "O holy night," I got hung up on one line, "a thrill of hope." I've been saying it over and over again in my head all day. "A thrill of hope." Thrill. Thrill?

     "Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
     Till He appeared and the soul felt it's worth.
     A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices,
     For yonder breaks, a new and glorious morn."

     I understood for the first time today the meaning of that song. I don't think the magic and wonder of Christmas is a result of the commercialization of Christmas. I think it originated in the first Christmas. The first Christmas those many many years ago. When the world found itself in the same position it's in today. Full of sin and error. Full of wrong. Full of despair. Then there was a baby born in a manger. And the world was never the same. And even some of those, who reject the notion of a Savior born in a manger, still celebrate Christmas. I would argue to say, even most of those. Not just some. Why? Because Christmas is magical. It always has been. The first Christmas included. It brought with it a thrill of hope. A ray of sunshine. A glorious morn. A new day.

     I know the thrill of hope. In the months that followed River's death, darkness ensued. It hung heavy over me like a thick, black blanket. And then, in January, a thrill of hope. The knowledge that it wasn't just me anymore. The knowledge that nestled somewhere inside of me was a tiny little someone. That hope was a thrill. It was the kind of hope that made me want to stand on the roof of my house shouting the good news. It was the kind of hope that made my breath catch in my throat. Too excited to breath kind of hope. The most excited I've ever been in my entire life kind of hope. A ray of sunshine. A glorious morn. A new day.

     Listening to those words today, I finally understood. The first Christmas brought with it, a thrill of hope. A new and glorious morn. A bright shining light into a dark and weary world. It brought with it wonder and magic. The first Christmas gave this despairing world a gift like no other. The gift of a tiny little Someone that gave new meaning to the word, hope. The kind of hope that makes you want to stand on the roof of your house shouting the good news. The kind of hope that makes your breath catch in your throat. Too excited to breath kind of hope. The most excited you'll ever be in your entire life kind of hope. A ray of sunshine. A glorious morn. A new day. Weary world, rejoice!

     Thankful for Christmas. Thankful that it carries with it magic and wonder. Thankful for what it means. Thankful for the thrill of hope. Thankful that this world has something to rejoice in. Thankful for the gift of a tiny little Someone who changed the world forever.


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