Project 365 * 4
Day 421
It has been a long couple of days. It hasn't all been bad or stressful, only long. We've been dealing with this stomach bug for going on a week now. Matt came home sick last night with it. And the kids were especially fussy and hard to get out the door this morning. They both cried for like an hour straight. So, when I went shopping this morning with Tobin, and spied one of Trader Joe's greatest items, the $3 dollar bottle of wine, I couldn't resist. It's sitting in my kitchen. And when I put the kids to bed, I'm going to pour myself a big glass, or two, or three.
Thankful that Matt is feeling better this afternoon. Thankful for all the beautiful snow this morning. What a lovely treat. Thankful for time with Shane this morning. Thankful for time alone with Tobin. Thankful for a lovely nature walk with Addy. Thankful for the bottle of wine with my name on it. I deserve it. And I don't feel the least bit bad saying so.
Wish I could share a glass with you, it has been a hell hole here for the last 7 weeks. Hopefully it will soon end, I am getting full of it now.