Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The really real things.

Project 365 * 4
Day 716

     It's easy to get distracted. Places to be. Things to accomplish. Chores. Jobs. Schedules. Stress. Bills. Stuff. But sometimes, you have one of those days when all that stuff fades into what it actually is. And the really real things shine through. Today was one of those days for me. It started with the most glorious sunrise. Pink clouds. Sunlight glowing through the trees. A light fog still hanging around. It was one of those sunrises that makes you stop and stare. It was one of those that make you feel like standing in the cool morning air with your arms wide open. Breathing it all in.

     Then it was my babies. So many hugs and kisses as we said goodbye to each other for the day. Hugs and kisses from babies make everything feel better. Little ones love with such intensity. Such fervor. Then it was my second graders. Such sweet kids to call my own for an entire year. I love watching them try so hard to earn tickets to get into the treasure box. I love their eyes and their little hands. I love watching them do things like organize their desks. Help their friends. Give hugs to those in need of some extra love. Then it was the drive home. The sun went down in a glorious fashion. Even Tobin was in awe of it. He kept shouting to me, "Mama, the sky! Wow, the sky!" I love watching his face when he's amazed at something. Then it was coming home to a clean house. Matt got off work early and did laundry, vacuumed, picked up. He said he did it because he knew I had so much to do tonight. Then it was watching Matt carry Adelyn to bed. She fell asleep at 5:30 and has been asleep ever since. I love watching Matt carry our sleeping children.

     When you take a day, and take out all the stuff, you are left with what really matters. You are left with the things that keep your heart beating. Make your soul feel warm and cozy and at home. It's easy to get distracted. It is. But life is so much sweeter when you focus on the really real stuff instead. The really real stuff like Adelyn telling me this morning that she didn't play with her Anna and Elsa dolls anymore. And because Santa is going to bring her new things very soon, she wants to give her Anna and Elsa dolls to kids who don't have any toys. Really real stuff like pink sunrises. Glorious sunsets. Thankfulness. Joy. Cozy. Time. All things good and lovely. And most of all, love. These are the things that matter.

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