Monday, September 12, 2016

"Just a reeeeal nice surprise!"

September 12, 2016
Day 3
Today, I'm thankful:

-that my husband cleaned our house while I was at work, AND that by the time I got home, he had fed and bathed our kids. In the words of cousin Eddy, "It was a real nice surprise, Clark!"

-for friends that give me clothes for my kids. Thank you, Lorrie and Lora!

-for black olives and pickles.

-for the way my kids still love to snuggle with me.

-for the best bed with the best pillows and the best comforter.

-for weather so pleasant this morning that you can almost hear the promise of fall coming in the sound of the wind blowing through the  leaves.

-for hugs from students that I thought didn't like me at all.

-for the way my students love to read and be read to.

-for hot coffee.

-for iced coffee.

-for early bedtimes.

-for things to be thankful for.

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