Thursday, December 1, 2016

The PM Shift.

December 1, 2016
Day 82

     I've been writing and erasing...writing and erasing. I can't think clearly tonight, but I can make a thankful list. There is always something to be thankful for.

1. A bright, cheery, sunny Thursday.

2. The yellow leaves still hanging onto our cherry tree out front. My grandfather planted that tree for us when Adelyn was born, and it's almost as big as our house now. It's one of my favorite trees.

3. The chicken prepped, ready, and waiting in the fridge to be roasted for dinner tomorrow night.

4. For these flavors: carrots roasted with chicken, garlic, onion, lemon, parsley, salt, and pepper.

5. Tomorrow is Friday. Because I used to work at Starbucks, I break the days into shifts. AM and PM shifts. I have to work the AM shift tomorrow, but I get the PM shift off. And because I break every day into shifts, I get an extra shift added onto my weekend. I don't just get Saturday and Sunday off. I get the PM shift on Friday off as well. Every person should think this way. It makes your weekend last longer.

6. Books.

7. Dogs.

8. Family.

9. Hot tea with honey in a mug with a spoon in it.

10. Little cowboy and cowgirl boots laying by the front door.

11. Bedtime.

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