Sunday, March 29, 2020

Family Sunday.

March 29, 2020
Day 1,278

Thankful for:

a simple and lovely Sunday.

the joy and comfort of laying in bed with my husband; his cuddles say he loves me and thinks I'm beautiful.

a birthday dinner for Matt's mom.

spending time talking and having fun with family.

pick-up soccer and football games in the cul-de-sac.

mix-match crochet blankets.

lemon cream pie.

Where's Waldo books.


talks on the deck with Steph.

a robin's nest under the deck.

talking with Mario by the grill; talking food.

Adelyn fell and skinned her knee, but she got up and kept going.

Tobin's pink cheeks and his enthusiasm for sports.

Maggie sleeping with Steph.

the love that Matt's mom shows her family; she's a beautiful person.

dinner at Patty's with my parents.

sitting at the table and enjoying a meal together.

cake and ice cream.

looking at Patty's paint projects.

hugs from Ryker and Odette.

seeing Odette recover from falling and hurting her knee.

my mom made our Sunday meal; I miss her cooking.

watching Tobin and Casey play baseball together.

the blackness of Greenie's fur.

spending the day with people I love is the absolute best way to spend my time.

way more things to be thankful for than to be afriad of.

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