Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Familiar and comforting.

April 27, 2021
Day 1,634

     This has been a day. Even so, I am thankful. There is always way more to be thankful about than there is to be upset about. So tonight, I am thankful for: 

1. The feeling of coming home after a long day. 

2. I have food to cook my family. 

3. I have the sweetest family. They love me even when I'm unlovable. 

4. Adelyn. She's fiesty and sweet at the same time. A good combination, I think. I'm thankful for her. She makes me smile. 

5. Hugs from Tobin. 

6. Hugs from Matt. 

7. Dog hugs and kisses from Higbee. 

8. Our crunchy gravel driveway. 

9. Tomorrow is Wednesday. The week will be halfway over tomorrow. 

10. I have new yarn for a new project that I have to finish in a month. I love a challenge. 

11. Today was a good day at school. It's testing week, so after testing, I am able to just let my kids play. It's awesome to play with them and watch them have fun and talk and relax. 

12. Essential oils. They help me when I need to calm down and relax. 

13. Everybody Loves Raymond. It's familiar and comforting. I like things are familiar. 

     Thankful for good things and nice things and lovely things on this hard day. Thankful for things to be thankful for. Thankful for this exercise in thankfulness. It changes me. 

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