Monday, February 18, 2013

A first and a first

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 49

     It was a day of firsts. The first first was that Adelyn got her first professional haircut today! She was really excited about it. So was I... I was also kind of scared she might decide to throw one of her mega tantrums in the middle of the salon, so I went prepared. With gummies. Her favorite. Gummy bears from Trader Joe's. I also told her that all princesses get their hair cut at Aunt Jen's salon. I really talked up the princess thing since she is so into being a princess lately. She sat in the "princess" salon chair. She got her hair washed like princesses do. She put on the princess cape to catch all the hair. She did great. I also let her eat as many gummies as she wanted. Seems to be the thing to do if you want an outing to go well. Just let your kid eat as much candy as they want! (Right, Carrie? I know you know what I'm talking about!)

     Tobin got shots today! No fun. Seriously, I think I get more scared than my kids do when we go to the Doctor's. Today, as I was talking to Tobin, trying to distract him from the horrible pain about to happen to his sweet, chubby legs, I feel like I may have been close to fainting. I remember seeing Shane get a shot in his leg when he was a baby, and the room started spinning, and I almost fainted. And I kind of felt that way today. I was imagining the shot going into his leg, and the room started spinning. I was clinging onto Tobin more than he was clinging onto me. My poor guy.

     So here is the first. Today was the first day that Tobin was completely inconsolable. He cried for around an hour straight. Adelyn cried too. For an hour straight. It was a fun hour. I tried nursing him. I gave him gripe water, tried to sing to him, tried to rock him...nothing worked. So, we turned to Tylenol. First time he's ever had it. Happy to say he's feeling much better. And he's fast asleep. With both hands behind his head.


     Thankful for a haircut today. I feel like 50 pounds has been lifted off my shoulders. I am a short hair girl, and I feel comfortable in my skin again with short hair. Thankful for my cousin, Jen. Love her so much. Thankful that Adelyn had fun getting her princess haircut. It was a sweet little Mama/Daughter date. Thankful that my boy is healthy, and that he's feeling much better now. Thankful for firsts. 

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