Project 365 * 2 -- Day 35
Tobin had his first fever today. He woke up at 7am, and refused to nurse all morning. The poor boy was starving. I could tell he was hungry, he was just too upset to eat. I had to walk him around the room, and sing to him. That was his only comfort. Funny how Tobin is my second child, and you would think that a simple thing like a fever wouldn't worry me so much...but it did. And I was. I finally got him to nurse around 11 or so. And he fell asleep for a while after that.
This is what made me laugh about this morning though: Adelyn was very sick when Tobin was first born. He was maybe around a month old or so, and Adelyn got up around 11pm crying. I went in, gave her water, tucked her in, and went back to my room. She was up on and off all night. Not crying. Just up, and restless. Couldn't sleep. She didn't have a fever. She wasn't complaining about anything. Just couldn't sleep. She was very fussy the next morning, so I took her to the Doctor's to get her ears checked. She had pointed to her ear and said, "ear," the night before. That was my only indication that something might be up. The Doctor took one look at her first ear. This was her reaction, "Oh my God!" Yeah, that's not something you want to hear from the Doctor. She looked in the second ear. "Oh my goodness, you poor baby!" Adelyn had ear infections that were so bad that the Doctor said her eardrums would probably burst. She not only prescribed an antibiotic, but ear numbing drops as well. And she told me to give her Tylenol for the pain.
So, Adelyn's ears are infected to the point of "maybe bursting," and her only complaint about it was, "ear," and some crying. Tobin has a fever of 99.8 because he's teething, and you would think that I was sawing off his pinkie toe if you heard him screaming today. If that's not a male child for you...When a man is sick, the world really does stop spinning, doesn't it? Well, at least their world does. :)
Thankful for Tobin. And especially thankful that he's feeling better. I'm just hoping that tooth pokes through soon. I'm also thankful that I got to hold and comfort my sweet guy all morning. And cuddle with him for nap time. I'm just loving how cuddly my boy is. My arms and my heart feel full holding him.
After nursing and his nap. Happy again. |
Sophia was very sad here. |
Still chewing on his fingers. |
Casey loves Roxy. |
How Adelyn likes to wear her glasses. |
New cool guy hat and mittens. |
Cousins. |
Kissy face. |
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