Friday, April 19, 2013

Dinner with women I love. & The coziest, most peaceful nap time ever.

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 108

     Last night, I got to leave my house, and hang out with people over the age of 2, and it was amazing. Matt was gracious enough to stay home with the little ones, while I got to go out and have dinner with his mom and sister. Honestly, I felt so good to drive away for a bit, and enjoy a meal without having to get up 20 times. I love hanging out with the girls. It is good for the soul.

     And as good as it was to drive away, it was good to drive home too. Matt had to call and inform me that Tobin was up, and he was not too happy that I wasn't home. When I walked into our bedroom, I found Matt and Tobin, cuddled, sleeping together. Father and son. I snapped about 20 pics with my phone. Those are the kind of moments I never want to forget. I always want to take dozens of pictures, and take video, and then just sit there and stare. I want those precious moments tattooed on my brain.

     Today, poor Tobin had his six month appointment, and got some nasty shots. Poor guy. He does NOT like shots. But, who does? Shots suck. Honestly, I'm the kind of parent that has to look away because if I see that needle go into his skin, I know I would faint. I get dizzy when the nurse just walks in with that little tray of shots.

     As a result of those nasty shots, my poor guy had a tough day. And Adelyn did, too. That whole, united front, let's stick together, if you're having a bad day--I'll have a worse day, type thing going on. Around 1, we all piled into bed together for a family nap. I put on a boring show that Addy had no interest in watching. That's my sneaky way of getting Adelyn to nap. I say, "sure, you can lay in bed with Mama, and watch a show!" And I put on the most horrible show known to man, 7th Heaven. She's asleep in no time. I laid there, and listened to the sounds of my loved ones sleeping. I watched them. Matt, Adelyn, Tobin, and Roxy. And I felt the most cozy, warm, peaceful, happy, wonderful feeling ever.

     Thankful for Steph and Sue. Thankful for girls nights. Thankful for conversation and laughter. Thankful that I am always needed at home. No matter what time of day or night. I am very much needed, and that's a wonderful feeling. Thankful that my husband loves to cuddle with our babies. Thankful for the most peaceful and cozy nap today. I'm blessed to have such a cozy, sweet family.

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