Project 365 * 2 -- Day 101
As I was stopped at a light today, waiting to turn, I noticed that in the thick mess of trees and forest and bush and tall grass to my right, was a rather large collection of yellow daffodils blooming. I wondered how they got there. Did someone plant them? Was that place once a garden? Was it once someone's backyard? But then, another thought... Long before people went to Lowe's to buy flowers for their yards, there were grassy, thick, forest-y places where flowers like yellow daffodils grew in the wild. Hidden. You just had to look for it.
Thankful for things like yellow daffodils hidden away in a dark, thick, mossy, forest. There is beauty in every day, you just have to look for it. Thankful that when you look for things to be thankful for, you find more than you can ever record.
The sidewalk covered in pink "snow." |
Adelyn made a new friend today! |
Ketchup tastes good. |
Like. Really good. |
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