Project 365 * 2 -- Day 191
I had big plans for this morning. After breakfast, I was going to get the kids in the car, go to Starbucks, and get myself an iced americano. Then, we would go to Toys R Us to get some puffs for Tobin. Then, we would go to a covered playground, and play until just before lunchtime. Then we would eat lunch, and everyone would take naps, and then I could clean this messy house.
Instead, I spent the whole morning on the bathroom floor trying to convince Adelyn that her tummy would stop hurting if she would just go to the bathroom. That, and chasing after Tobin. He's pretty keen on the CO detector. And DVD's. And all of Addy's toys. And the gates.
And...everything else.
Sometimes, it's frustrating that I can't get things done when I want to get them done. Plans are definitely a thing of the past. But, when my kids are grown and gone, will I remember how much housework I got done on a random Thursday morning? Or will I remember sitting on the bathroom floor with Adelyn? Convincing her that it's okay to poop. "Princesses poop. Cinderella poops.
Everybody poops!" Will I remember these first few weeks of Tobin crawling? When he's into anything and everything. Will I remember chasing after him, and telling him, "no," for the first time? And watching him get hurt feelings when I tell him not to touch something.
Yeah. Plans can wait. And frankly, they have to wait. Childhood is now. My kids only get one. I can always clean. I can't always sit on the bathroom floor with Adelyn. I can't always chase my Tobin boy around the house. These days are fleeting. So...plans schmans.
Thankful for my beautiful babes. They are constantly teaching me to be better. They are constantly full of love and life. And it's infectious.
Fireman Adelyn! |
Tobin with sweet Greenie. He loves kids. And Tobin hardly ever gets to touch a dog because Roxy just gets up and walks away like a moody cat whenever Tobin touches him. Humph. Girl dogs. |
Tobin thinks it is so funny whenever Addy lets one of those foam letters drop out of her mouth in the tub. She loves to make him laugh. |
Little bunny rabbit teeth. |
Copycat. |
Is it just me, or does this seem like the most pleasant way for water to pour into the tub for a bath? Out of a log with a friendly frog sitting on it. |
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