Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What I learned from Brandon James. And his mother.

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 203

     I love, love, love watching, America's Got Talent. I love watching so many gifted and talented people experience that moment of greatness. That special spectacular moment that could change a life forever.

     I've fallen way behind with the current episodes, so I am catching up each night. And last night, there was this guy, Branden James, that I just fell in love with. He has such a sweet heart, and he's amazing, yet humble. And I think he has so much to teach the world. I felt compelled to share his story because I feel that he is such an amazing example of love.

     My thoughts on Brandon James are kind of all over the place, so I'm just going to list them.

     1. What an amazing performance of "Nessun Dorma." One of my favorite opera songs. So beautiful. I need to replace the version on my iPod with the Brandon James version.

     2. What a sweet soul he is. What a kind heart. What a gentle spirit. To continue to love after being rejected...that's a big heart.

     3. I loved watching his mother realize what an amazing gift she had in her son. After his performance, when Howie was talking to her, telling her how proud she should be, how he would inspire people beyond that stage, beyond the show, how she had created a was just so good to watch. To see her realize that there is nothing wrong with her son. To see her realize what an amazing person he is.

     4. I was reminded of Brandon's mother's realization tonight as I was reflecting on my day. I took Adelyn, Casey, and Tobin to a special event this morning. The Gateway Center, a local shopping center here in Gainesville, holds kids events every other Wednesday during the summer. Today's program was called, "Kid Singer Jim." Just your average guy with a guitar. Singing songs about spiders and not being afraid of the dark.  My mom met us there. We were there 20 minutes, when Adelyn started to complain about a button on her dress. It quickly spiraled out of control into a full on fit of rage. Screaming at the top of her lungs. Trying to take off her dress in public. I took her to Starbucks to change her dress. It didn't work. More screaming. More disapproving stares from people passing by. We had to leave it was so bad. I was pretty frustrated about it, and of course, I still am a bit. I'm puzzled by her actions sometimes, but I found myself feeling...put out. Annoyed, even. Annoyed that we couldn't even sit through an outdoor, kid program because of a button.

     But then, I remembered Brandon James' mother. And I remembered her face when she realized he was something great. And I reminded myself...Adelyn is something great. I reminded myself to be thankful for who she is. She is strong. She is determined. She is confidant. I can't forget who she is. Even during those times when she is screaming at the top of her lungs. In public. Trying to take her clothes off. With people staring. Even then. She is something great. And I cannot forget that.

     Thankful for reminders. Thankful for Adelyn. She's an amazing girl. I don't deserve to be the mother of someone so great. Thankful for people like Brandon James. He reminds me to love others. Even those that I can't agree with. Love them anyways. What a message. Thankful for love. It truly does conquer all.


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