Project 365 * 4
Day 383
Matt. Whenever I say that word, it almost feels foreign. But for the best reason. Matt and I don't call each other by our real names. We prefer, "honey," "sweetie," "baby," "babe," "love." Matt also likes to call me, "fanny apple smith." He likes to call me that as he smacks my butt for what might be the 200th time that particular day. Oh, my husband. He's so silly. Like just now, he asked me what I was going to write about tonight, and I said him. I said, "you're going to be my third person of the fifty-two people I'm going to write about." He said, "third, huh? I'm in third place?" How could my man think he was in third place?
He is literally the sweetest man. He loves us all so intensely. He works two jobs for us. And all the money he makes from those two jobs, goes to us. He doesn't spend anything on himself. On his days off, he is here. At home. With his family. He does dishes. He folds clothes. He vacuums. He plays with our kids. He reads to them. He wrestles with them. He is the definition of a family man. Our family is everything to him. We are his entire life. And it shows.
Last night, Matt, my mom, and I met with a woman that has been observing Addy and working with her at school. It was an awesome meeting. So many questions answered. To make an extremely long story short, Adelyn has sensory processing disorder. And it makes our days difficult around here sometimes. Simple things like zipping up her coat can send her into the worst kind of breakdown/tantrum/fit of rage that I've ever seen. I could go on and on about all that, but here's the part I really like. We left the meeting after two hours with tons of information. We were all super excited to implement some of things we had learned. So after breakfast this morning, Matt went shopping. He came back with tons of stuff that we need for Addy to help her with all this sensory stuff. An exercise ball. Fidgets for her hands when she's upset, frustrated, mad, or just whenever. Boxes for under her bed. We spent the morning putting her entire closet into boxes under her bed so we could turn her closet into a special space for her. She loves being in her closet. She's always hiding out in there. So we took everything out of it, and turned it into a cozy nook for her. Just for her. She has blankets in there. Fuzzy pillows. Glow in the dark stars. And her box of fidgets. She's decided to call it, "Addy's special place."
Leaving that meeting last night, I knew we wouldn't have to wait long to get all the things we needed for Addy. That's just how Matt is. He's the kind of guy who decorates a closet for his daughter. He's the kind of guy that spends his days off shopping for fuzzy pillows and glow in the dark stars. He's the kind of guy that pours everything he is and has into being a husband and father. He loves us. He hugs us. Holds us. Kisses us. Makes us laugh. We would all be so lost without him.
Thankful for my sweet angel of a husband. He is the greatest man, husband, and father. Thankful he loves me so much. Thankful he can't keep his hands off me. Thankful that he is the most amazing father. I'm thankful he loves our children so deeply. I'm thankful he spends his days off doing things like turning a closet into a special space for our girl. Thankful for the way he loves us. With everything in him. He doesn't hold back. We would be in a world of hurt without him. Of all the men in all the world, he stands alone. No one else even comes close. Third place? Never. Matt is first place. Gold star. Huge trophy. Number 1! The best. Better than all the rest. I'm just so thankful for my love.
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