Project 365 * 4
Day 393
Here are some of the brightest and best and sweetest moments from my day.
1. Reading to Tobin. Patty drove Adelyn and Casey to school today, so Tobin and I had the whole morning to ourselves. We read for a long time cuddled up on the couch in his room. It was cozy, and I love the feeling of his feather soft hair against my cheek.
2. Watching a movie with John and Ryleigh. Tobin was down for his nap, and while we waited for Addy to get home from school, I put on one of my favorite movies from my childhood. It was really nice to sit and watch an older "kid" movie with two sweet kids.
3. An actual conversation I had with John today:
John: Hey, do you know that I can do Irish dancing?
Me: No, I didn't know that. Where did you learn Irish dancing?
John: This guy came to my school and did Irish dancing, so I decided to try it...and I did it on my first try. I guess I was just born with it.
4. Watching Tobin laugh hysterically at Ryleigh and John. By the time I grabbed my video camera, they were doing something else. But, I've never heard Tobin laugh so hard. Also, watching him hug them. Hug after hug after hug after hug.
5. Seeing Addy's bright and smiling face after school. I was busy talking to Patty about something, and I didn't realize she had been standing right in front of me, all wrapped up in her coat, and her panda hat, and gloves, smiling at me. We held hands as we waked inside. And for some reason, she seemed so very tiny to me.
6. Having a dance party in the basement. Dancing is the best. Sometimes, one just needs to dance for an hour or two. I sure needed to.
Thankful that so many good and sweet moments filled my day. Thankful for my warm home on this cold night. I'm thankful that I have a zillion piles of laundry to fold. I'm thankful that I have to vacuum. And clean the floors. I'm thankful the bathrooms need scrubbing. I'm thankful for all of this because it means I have a full home. It means I have children to love. It means my dreams came true. Feeling especially thankful tonight to have two sweet babes sleeping in their beds upstairs. Thankful for so much love in my life. I surely didn't do anything to deserve such amazing blessings.
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