Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July. Sad 4th of July.

Project 365 * 4
Day 549

     It was an awesome day. And it was a sad day.

     It was awesome because: Matt's mom came over to spend the day with us. We went shopping at Toys R Us. We went grocery shopping and got all kinds of yummy things to eat. We watched movies. We played outside. We grilled burgers, hot dogs, and corn on the cob. We had the most delicious dinner. We had the most awesome cherry pie and apple pie for dessert. Complete with ice cream and whipped cream. We watched fireworks from a blanket on our favorite hill. Adelyn snuggled in tight with Grandma, and Tobin snuggled in tight with me. It was a truly wonderful day spent with my family.

     It was sad because: One of Matt's very good friends in the fire department passed away today. I met him a few times, and what struck me about him was his smile. He was always smiling. He seemed like such a sweet guy. It breaks my heart to think about the torturous road his young daughter and wife must walk now. I don't think it was a coincidence that just this morning, we were talking about what a nice guy he was. Matt was using a knife to get Tobin's new Buzz Lightyear out of the box. I picked up the knife, and noticed that it said, "Sanderson E516," on the blade. I asked him where he got it from, and he said his friend had given it to him for Christmas one year.

     I think the thing to be thankful for today is this: time. Time spent with those we love. Life on earth isn't forever. When we come to end of our lives, it isn't our accomplishments, or our possessions, or even the people we are leaving behind that matters most. It is what we did with our time while we were here. Matt's friend spent his time doing things like buying personalized Christmas gifts for the people he worked with. He spent his time throwing humongous birthday parties for his little girl. He spent his time being an awesome father. And I think that that is time well spent.

     Thankful for an awesome day with the ones I love dearly. Thankful for the reminder to spend my time wisely. We aren't guaranteed tomorrow. Or even the next minute. Life is so very fragile. There just isn't any time to waste. We must use every second. To show love to others. To be kind. To be thankful. We must use every second as if it is our last.

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