Project 365 * 4
Day 547
Interesting night. But, a very good night. Patty and I had an awesome workout at the gym. Lots of cardio. Weightlifting. Abs. And some more cardio for good measure. After the gym, we went to Food Lion because I needed toilet paper. We always need toilet paper. Addy likes to use a lot. And so does Tobin. He finds it to be great fun to pretend to blow his nose, and always wants just a little bit of it whenever Addy or I use the restroom. I give him one square, he pretends to blow, and then he wants to flush it. Food Lion happened to be closed, but it was good that we went because there was a homeless man there. He was trying to find someplace dry, I'm sure. It was pouring. We decided to get him some food. As we were sitting in the drive through at McDonald's, a car pulled up behind us. And the person inside the car started screaming and cursing at the woman taking money. We quickly alerted the manager, and he went to help. Thankfully, the man stopped screaming. After we gave the homeless man his meal, we went to Wal-Mart because I still needed toilet paper. We spent about twenty minutes rummaging through the $5 movie bin before we checked out. Which is always great fun because you can find some really great movies in those bins if you're willing to take the time to go through them. Then we spent about five minutes talking with the check-out woman. It's not anything to brag about, I know. But sometimes, just the littlest bit of kindness goes a long way. And working the check-out lane at Wal-Mart after midnight doesn't sound like a very fun job.
Thankful for a great workout. Thankful for the feeling of, "we kicked ass at the gym tonight." Thankful for opportunities to do good. Thankful for opportunities to help others. Thankful for opportunities to be kind. It was a good night.
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