Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Little Odette Kicks.

January 31, 2017
Day 142

The sky was blue today.

There were puffy clouds in the sky, and they were pinkish and yellowish at the same time.

Tomorrow is Wednesday at school. I love Wednesdays because it's nothing but books and reading and more books and more reading until recess.

The moon looked pretty tonight.

My cherry tree looks lovely when it's bare.

I'm reading, The Magician's Nephew to my students right now. It makes me happy because it's one of my favorite books of all time. My favorite sentence in the book is this:
"Oh, Adam's sons, how cleverly you defend yourself against all that might do you good." C.S. Lewis wrote beautiful words. He's one of my favorites.

I saw Odette kicking my sister's belly today. I cannot wait to meet her. I feel like my sister is going to have to ask for her baby back quite often when I'm around. I won't want to put Odette down.

It is time for bed.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Lattes are meant to be made with whole milk. Fact.

January 30, 2017
Day 141

Today was a nice day at work, and it was a half-day at that.

It was so nice and wonderfully cold today.

The sunset was glorious and full and colorful and puffy. I wished I could swim in all those colors.

I really love taking care of Greenie for Patty and AJ while they move. It is so warm and cozy to have a dog in my house. But two dogs in my house? It is warmer and cozier.

There was snow on the ground this morning.

There was snow and ice to scrape off the windows this morning. I couldn't find my scraper, so I used Tobin's Captain America shield. It reminded me of all those crazy mornings when my mom would take Patty and me to school. We would be waiting by the car while she shimmied out the door and down the steps with a mug of fresh, hot coffee in her hand. She never had a travel mug; maybe they didn't exist then. She would scrape the ice off of the car with the case to a cassette tape, but she would always be sure to take out the album cover first. We had scrapers, but they always broke. Surprisingly, cassette tape covers never did.

Adelyn tells me when she needs some love from me.

Tobin gives the best hugs.

Sophia got a sweet haircut today.

Casey is growing up so fast I can't even stand it. He'll be seven in February.

Shane and Casey share a birthday. That fact always makes me happy.

There are olives in my salad for lunch tomorrow.

Patty and I got a latte together before work today. I love working in the same place as my sister. When I'm with her, I feel at home. We like to get these lattes: decaf, grande, 1 pump hazelnut, whole milk, lattes. Can I just say this: If you are getting a latte for yourself and at some point you hear yourself utter the words "skinny," or "sugar-free," you're doing it wrong. Just...don't. Stop. Lattes are meant to be made with whole milk. Fact.

I work with the best people. I love where I work.

Tomorrow begins a fresh, new week.

The sound of dogs sleeping feels like a mug of hot tea with honey for my ears.

I love the way the trees look in the winter time.

My mom and dad are amazing. Sometimes, I feel very sad that they live more than ten minutes away from me.

Knowing that my brother is in love with an amazing woman makes me feel happy. They are sweet together.

I love tucking my babies in with their stuffed animals at night. They sleep together every night, and it makes me feel happy thinking that they would rather sleep cuddled together than in their own bedrooms.


Sunday, January 29, 2017

"Chez Ricky."

January 29, 2017
Day 140

For birthday parties.

For Emily, Shane's girlfriend. She's lovely and amazing.

For Tobin's haircut. He always looks so slick with a fresh, new haircut.

For Greenie's sweet ways. He likes to walk himself home after I take him out every day. He looks up at me as if to say, "can I do my cool trick now?" I always oblige. He takes the leash in his mouth and runs all the way home. It is the sweetest little trick. Also, he likes to make nests on the floor with dirty laundry. It makes me smile.

For cake and ice cream.

For the smell of birthday candles. They have a smell all of their own.

For talks with my husband. Matt loves me even though I'm crazy sometimes. He calls it "passionate." I like his definition of me better than mine.

For snow in the forecast. The first thing I think about when snow is coming is, "do we have all the ingredients to make hot chocolate?"

For the cards that Adelyn made for everyone tonight. She's wonderful and amazing.

For so much laughter.

For walks and talks with my sister.

For a show the kids put on for us adults tonight.

For the most delicious dinner ever. My dad is the best chef. We like to call his imaginary restaurant, "Chez Ricky."

For sweet snuggles with Higbee. He gets really cuddly when he's tired.


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Uncle Jason.

January 28, 2017
Day 139

For Jason. My kids call him Uncle Jason and it makes me smile.

For Seinfeld.

For Saturdays spent with the best of friends.

For a pleasant Saturday.

For vinegar and olive oil. For pizza.

For my husband.

For my babies.

For music.

For cold air.

For birthdays to celebrate tomorrow.

For laughter.

For Tobin's dance fighting. He likes to dance/fight to rock music.

For Higbee and Greenie and every other sweet dog I've ever loved.

For a whole night to sleep.


Friday, January 27, 2017

Cold Air Blowing.

January 27, 2017
Day 138

For a half day at school today.

For a good talk with Matt.

For resolutions.

For hugs from my husband.

For hugs and kisses from my kids.

For dogs to cuddle with.

For dessert in bed.

For two whole days off ahead of me. One can accomplish much in two days. I plan to accomplish these things: sitting on the couch and drinking coffee; cuddling with my babies; cooking and eating good food; cuddling with dogs; spending time with my family.

For the cold air blowing again. I can't really stand those warmish January days. It feels so wrong.

For books to read.


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Haicuts in the bathroom.

January 26, 2017
Day 137

For cold air.

For laughter.

For the wind.

For haircuts in the bathroom.

For long talks with my sister.

For grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner.

For time to be quiet and still and watch The Office. 

For two dogs to love. For two dogs that are happy when I come home.

For so many things to be thankful for, that I couldnt even  list them all.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


January 25, 2017
Day 136

For a meeting at Uncle Julio's. Meetings should always be conducted over a big bowl of chips and salsa and a couple of margaritas.

For a meeting directly after that at Starbucks. Meetings can also be discussed over large cups of coffee.

For meetings with friends. Friends are the best people to have meetings with.

For baby shower plans. For Patty's wee one growing day by day in her belly.

For my sweet precious children. All four of them. Soon to be five of them. I count Patty's children as my children, too.

For sleeping dogs. Sleeping dogs make me feel at home and peaceful.

For a bright, blue sky today.

For brilliant sunlight.

For the chance to play outside in January. Even though I'm slightly bitter that we haven't had one snowstorm yet.

For a cup of coffee brought to me this morning by my sister. Coffee delivery is the best delivery.

For teachers who love my children.

For short hair.

For Thursday. One day closer to Friday. I can't wait for this weekend.

For texts from my mom.

For Emily. Shane's girlfriend. It's her birthday today. I didn't get to talk to her, but I'm so glad she was born.

For this; one of the best parts of my day. The time when I get to sit and be thankful.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Bitter and delicious.

January 25, 2017
Day 135

For the opportunity to help Patty and Armando. They do so much for us. I don't know many people who would pick up another person's child every day, feed them, and watch them for hours and hours for free. Who does that?

For friends of the furry variety.

For time spent with Patty. It literally does not matter if we are sitting and talking over a cup of coffee or scrubbing toilets, when I'm with her, I feel at home. When Patty's around, cleaning can be the best time of your life.

For my bed.

For iced americanos with extra ice and half and half. It's bitter and delicious.

For The Office to keep me company while I fall asleep.

For tomatoes and mozzarella drizzled with olive oil.

For the talent shows that Adelyn and Tobin put on for me and Matt.

For time to sleep. It's very late. Morning is going to come way too soon, but I have the promise of coffee to look forward to in the morning.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Like a boss.

January 23, 2017
Day 134

For a warm house, and warm blankets, and warm dry clothes.

For food to feed my family.

For the love and company and friendship of dogs.

For hugs from my husband. He likes to hug me for a long time.

For kisses from my babies.

For this discussion: "When I grow up, I want to be a..." We have this discussion often in my home. At least once a day.

For violins. I think they sound like caramel tastes.

For the strength and courage to fight my anxiety battles like a boss. I felt anxiety creeping up on me today. But I told that beast to beat it.

For an early night. I literally cannot wait to go to sleep. Today was one of those days where when you wake up in the morning, your first thought is this: "I cannot wait until it's time to go to bed tonight."

For a good Monday.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Red One.

January 22, 2017
Day 133

For time with family.

For rain.

For the opportunity to have Greenie stay at our house for a bit. He reminds me of Roxy. And when I see him and pet him, she doesn't feel so far away.

For salad made of broccoli, kale, spinach, pecans, and dried cranberries with a fresh lemon and olive oil dressing.

For sleeping children.

For new posters to hang up at school.

For Mr. Sketch markers. The red one is best. No contest. Although I don't know why everyone hates the black one. I like it. It makes my mouth water when I smell it.

For Mondays. Sometimes they are hard, but I really like the feeling of a fresh, new something. Days, even weeks. So because Monday signals the start of a fresh, new week, I like it.

For sneaky trips to find a place to dump trash with my dad. Neither of us had a wallet or a phone. We just loaded up the car and started driving.

For a pleasant Sunday.


Saturday, January 21, 2017

The loveliest day.

January 21, 2017
Day 132

For the loveliest day.

For a new haircut that makes me feel like a new woman.

For an entire day spent with my mom. It has been way too long since we spent a day together.

For Lakeshore Learning Store. I love teacher stores. I could spend hours looking through a teacher store.

My dad made the most delicious dinner.

I got a letter in the mail today. A friendly letter from a student. We're learning how to write friendly letters in school, and one student asked for my address. It made my night.


Friday, January 20, 2017

7 things to be thankful for.

January 21, 2017
Day 131

For a lovely visit with my Aunt Jan and Uncle John.

For the best cup of coffee at my sister's house.

For time to sit and laugh and talk with my sister.

For time with the four little ones tonight. They make me smile.

For Higbee laying on my legs right now. He's especially cuddly tonight.

For family.

For much to be thankful for.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Long weekend.

January 20, 2017
Day 130

For a day off tomorrow.

For roast beef.

For an evening spent just being still and quiet and peaceful.

For time to lay in bed and watch shows.

For a long weekend.

For McKay's. I love books.

For new books to give my kids tomorrow.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Low and slow and a Heineken.

January 18, 2017
Day 129

For bags of popcorn ready to go to school tomorrow for a movie.

Tomorrow is Thursday and it's the last day of this work week.

For a pot roast prepped and ready to go in the oven bright and early tomorrow morning. Low and slow. I learned that from my dad. If you want good meat, go low and slow.

For a beautiful blue sky, a bright sun, and a cool breeze today.

For soup for lunch.

For the last bit of Heineken to drink after I prepped the roast for tomorrow. I learned that from my mom. A pot roast roasted in beer is the best kind of roast.

For talk of baby showers.

Higbee watches tv with me at night. Well, mostly he just chews a bone, but he looks up every now and then and cocks his head from side to side when a really good part of The Office comes on.

For time to sleep.

For my babies sleeping peacefully.

For my husband sleeping beside me. It's fun to have a sleeping buddy.

     For all of these things, I am thankful. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Sweet brown eyes.

January 17, 2017
Day 128

     Thankful for the rain. Thankful for almonds and cheese. Thankful for Higbee's sweet and soulful eyes. Thankful for phone conversations with my mom. Thankful for a warm home and food to eat. Thankful for clothes to wear. Thankful for kisses. What a sweet ritual. The kiss hello. The kiss goodbye. The just because kiss. I love them all. Thankful for the way my kids cuddle together in bed right after I tuck them in. They look so cozy and warm. Thankful for books before bed. Thankful that I get to hear Adelyn read to Tobin. Thankful for Dr. Suess. Thankful for shows to watch before bed. Thankful for Wednesdays at work. Thankful for Higbee sleeping in bed with me right now. Roxy used to stay up with me while I wrote. I miss my Roxy girl so much. But I'm thankful for my Higbee boy. What would I do without his sweet brown eyes? Thankful for all things good and lovely.

Monday, January 16, 2017


January 16, 2017
Day 127

     Thankful for a pleasant day spent with people that I love. Thankful for lattes with extra foam to sip while driving. Thankful for Mexican food for dinner. I'm thankful for Higbee. I just love it when he cuddles in bed with me. I feel so blessed to have an animal that loves me. Thankful for nights when I get to go bed early. Thankful for red-tailed hawks. I have a good eye for spotting them. I wish one would choose to live in one of my trees. Thankful for hope. Thankful for a good day off from school. Thankful for a very short week coming up.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Bone Collection.

January 15, 2016
Day 126

For the way my children play so nicely together.

For the way Higbee sleeps with his head curled into his front leg.

For lots of time to cuddle with my loves today.

For my husband.

For a nice birthday party for Uncle Mario.

For time to rest.

For laundry folded and put away. Matt is the best at laundry and I am the worst. We make a good team. :)

For Higbee's bone collection that he stores away for safe-keeping in my bedroom.

For a day off tomorrow.

For newly organized bathroom cabinets.

For time to visit with friends tomorrow.

I am thankful. 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Non-sick sick day.

January 14, 2017
Day 125

For a sick day. (But no one was sick.)

For homemade chicken soup.

For pajamas all day.

For blankets all day.

For movies all day.

For a clean -ish- house.

For the rain.

For the cold.

For quiet days and nights.

For movies on Netflix.

For ice cream.

For a new day tomorrow.

For the way Tobin gives hugs. He gives the best hugs in the world.

For time to lay in bed and be still and quiet.


Friday, January 13, 2017

Tacos and Margaritas.

January 13, 2017
Day 124

For Friday night.

For tacos and margaritas with my some of my favorite ladies.

For three whole days at home with my loves.

For a rainy, cold day ahead of me.

For time to clean up my home, do laundry, and organize things.

For time to relax in my clean home after it's all cleaned up.

For time to lay on the couch under blankets and read books.

For a big moon in the sky this morning.

For a sunset that made me gasp when I saw it.

For bare trees.

For kisses from Higbee.

For those times when my kids run around in their underware.

For my husband who watched Adelyn, Casey, Phia, and Tobin so that Patty and I could go out to dinner tonight. Even though he was super tired.

For text messages from people I love.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

The light of a new day.

January 12, 2017
Day 123

     Today was hard. But the beauty about days are that they come and they go. If a day is hard, one can simply fall asleep and then wake up in a brand new day. Problems may carry over, but things always look different - even if only slightly - in the light of a new day.

     Here are the good bits of this day that made me feel thankful:

-The clouds and the sky. There was an amazing sunrise this morning and an equally amazing sunset tonight.

-My family.

-Fresh pineapple. And then a few pieces of fresh pineapple with a few pieces of cheese.

-The fact that it's going to get cold again this weekend. This weather is absurd. That's a fact.

-Today is Thursday, so that means tomorrow is Friday.

-For rain in the forecast for Saturday. That means we can stay inside and be cozy all day.

     Thankful that tomorrow is a new day. Thankful for the good bits of this one. Looking forward to going to sleep and waking up in the light of  a new day.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Fox.

January 11, 2017
Day 122

For a wet Higbee looking pitiful in the tub. He had to get a bath because he decided to rub himself in something gross on his walk today.

For Mario's birthday.

For my grandma's birthday this past Tuesday.

For hugs from Tobin. He really does give the best hugs ever.

For Adelyn's little sassy haircut.

For rain.

For only one more day to go until Friday. And after work on Friday, it is officially the weekend. I have big, big plans this weekend. I'm going to sleep. I'm going to watch movies. I'm going to read. And I'm going to sleep some more. It will be glorious.

For Christmas gifts from Mario's parents. Mario's parents are such sweet people.

For The Little Prince. I love the fox. He has the best words.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tall Tales.

January 10, 2017
Day 121

Thankful for tall tales during dinner. Tobin really likes to tell tall tales. Whenever I think about his sweet face, I smile. My favorite tall tale of the night was this: Tobin said a goat butted him, and he flew all the way up into outer space and then fell down on his face, so Opa had to take him to the doctors. Apparently, this happened when Tobin was two.

Thankful that Adelyn loves to read with me. One of the best parts of my day is when I get to snuggle in bed with her and read. We're currently reading, Farmer Boy. She likes it so far.

Thankful for pickles. Thankful for the way they make your mouth water just thinking about them.

Thankful for hot coffee with cream.

Thankful for the smell of my home.

Thankful for another glorious purple and orange and red and pink sunrise.

Thankful for time to lay in bed and watch tv.

Thankful for cold air.

Thankful for the way Higbee greets me when I come home.

Thankful for a good day at school.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Purple Sunrise Monday.

January 9, 2017
Day 120

For a purple sunrise.

For the bitter cold air. It makes my home warmer and cozier.

For gifts from my students. Today, I got a picture of an otter and a handmade potholder.

For a text from my Aunt Jan. Her words made my day.

For cucumbers and red peppers and tomatoes.

For an entire portion of the day devoted to sleeping.

For the way Higbee looks at me and puts his paws and legs across me like he's holding me when he cuddles in bed with me. Dog cuddles are good for the soul.

For the way Adelyn and Tobin sleep in the same room even though they have their own. It reminds me of Patty and I before Shane was born. We both had our own rooms, but we always slept together. Adelyn and Tobin do the same thing, and I love it. It's nice to think that my kids would much rather cuddle together than sleep alone. I love to cover them up at night with blankets and tuck them in all snug.

For plans to have family over for dinner.

For plans to go see friends.

For a fine day.


Sunday, January 8, 2017


January 8, 2016
Day 119

Long ago, far away
Life was clear
Close your eyes

Remember, is a place from long ago
Remember, filled with everything you know
Remember, when you're sad and feeling down
Remember, turn around
Remember, life is just a memory
Remember, close your eyes and you can see
Remember, think of all that life can be

-"Remember" by Harry Nilsson

     I've been writing and erasing for 30 minutes now. So I'm going to list what I want to say since my words are jumbled tonight:

1. Those three lines got me today:

Long ago, far away
Life was clear
Close your eyes

2. Long ago, life was clear. Life was simple.

3. Time marches on.

4. We think the world is easier to live in now than it was 20 years ago.

5. I think it's hard. And getting harder.

6. I worry about what it will be like for my children.

7. I know I have to do something to change it.

8. I came up with an idea: 100 days. I like to do things in 100 day periods. It just makes sense to me.

9. For 100 days, Matt and Patty and I will not scroll through Facebook. For 100 days, we will eat clean. For 100 days, we will exercise. For 100 days, we will work on spending more time together as a family. For 100 days, we will not sit mindlessly on our phones and zone out--missing out on important time we could be spending together. In short, for 100 days, we will strive to live with more simplicity.

10. 100 days starts tomorrow. I'm so looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to life being clear. I'm looking forward to seeing all that life can be.

     Thankful for resolutions. Not New Year's resolutions. Life resolutions.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Snow Day.

January 7, 2016
Day 118

     Thankful for a snow day. Thankful for the way my kids ran to the window this morning screaming, "SNOW!" Thankful for cozy afternoons and evenings spent at home watching movies, eating popcorn, and cuddling together under warm blankets. Thankful for my husband. Thankful for our love and our friendship. We watched a movie with the kids today that we used to watch as kids called, Snow Day. In the movie, two of the main people fall in love during a snow day. I remember falling in love with Matt on a snow day 17 years ago. Thankful for my sister. She can make me laugh with one word. Thankful for one more whole day at home with all my favorite people.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Cold, cold night.

January 6, 2016
Day 117

     Thankful for warm blankets on a cold, cold night. Thankful for Friday night. Thankful for dinner out as a family. Thankful for Mexican food. Thankful for cold trips to the playground at night to play for as long as we can possibly stand it. By "we," I mean parents, not kids. The kids could play for hours and not feel the cold. Thankful for tired kids. Thankful for the weekend ahead of me. Thankful that it might snow. I love a fresh blanket of snow. Snow is not only fun to play in, tasty to nibble on, and pretty to look at...It makes a person feel the coziest possible cozy they can feel. Thankful for a good day. I'm thankful that I had it to enjoy.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

The hope of snow. Glue. Un-birthday.

January 5, 2017
Day 116

Thankful for apples with maple almond butter.

Thankful that tomorrow is Friday.

Thankful that there is the hope of snow hanging in the air.

Thankful that my kids are sleeping with their pajamas inside out and backwards and with spoons under their pillows.

Thankful for glue all over the tablecloth on our kitchen table because Adelyn and Tobin have been making kites for the past 3 days.

Thankful for the way everyone loves Higbee. He is famous at his vet's office. We walk in and people come pouring out of the back room to get a kiss from Higbee boy. It's always good to hear your vet say, "you've done a really good job with him...he was a very difficult puppy."

Thankful for cupcakes and party hats waiting and ready to go into school with me tomorrow. It just so happens that tomorrow is every single student's un-birthday. So we're gonna party! (Yes. Gonna. One simply cannot use the phrase, "We are going to party.")

Thankful for my friend, Jacynda. It is her birthday. (In this case, one can use the phrase, "It is your birthday." Just ask Dwight.)

Thankful for time to be thankful.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Lipstick.

January 4, 2017
Day 115

Thankful that my husband gave the kids a bath before I got home from work today.

Thankful for phone calls with my sister.

Thankful for phone calls with my mom.

Thankful that this morning was simply glorious. The sky was amazing; painted dark blue and pink with beams of sunlight coming through the clouds.

Thankful for this: hawks everywhere. Literally. I see them every day. To me, they are a sign of hope and of love.

Thankful that tomorrow is Thursday. One day closer to Friday.

Thankful that my Tobin boy is well.

Thankful for Patty's belly. And for Wee Bairn, of course.

Thankful for early morning walks with Higbee when there is no noise except for the birds.

Thankful for the way the trees look in winter.

Thankful for geese. I love to watch them.

Thankful for new lipstick.

Thankful for popsicles.

Thankful for Higbee's sweet face.

Thankful for new computers in my classroom.

Thankful for Wednesday mornings in my classroom. All we do is read until recess, and it's the best.

Thankful for a fine day.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Twelve Things.

January 3, 2017
Day 114

Thankful for a rainy day.

Thankful for the way the kids cuddle together in bed and don't want to get up in the morning. They shut their little eyes tight and try to keep from smiling while I pull the covers off and say silly things and tickle them.

Thankful that Tobin is continuing to get well.

Thankful that my husband helps me with the dishes.

Thankful for the way Tobin ran into my room last night with a little stuffed puppy and fell asleep right next to me while holding my hand. Then Higbee jumped up into bed from the sofa and laid down right next to Tobin and fell asleep with his head on Tobin's chest. It was so very cozy.

Thankful for treasures from Target.

Thankful for a good first day back to school.

Thankful for pickles and sauerkraut. It makes my mouth water to think of those words.

Thankful for phone calls from friends.

Thankful for this statement, "well, we need to get together soon." It's always great fun to get together with the people you love.

Thankful for time to lay in bed and watch shows until I fall asleep.

Thankful for a good Tuesday.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Last Day of Christmas Vacation.

January 2, 2017
Day 113

Thankful that my kids like to watch the movies I liked to watch when I was a kid. They are currently watching The Parent Trap. The Haley Mills version. Which is the only appropriate version to watch.

Thankful for a lovely lunch out as a family.

Thankful for baths before 6 pm.

Thankful for rosy cheeks after a warm bath.

Thankful for a rainy day.

Thankful for the time I got to spend at home with my little loves over the break.

Thankful for my husband and the way he takes care of our family.

Thankful for fresh pajamas.

Thankful for clean laundry.

Thankful for Star Wars ships and men littering the floor of Tobin's room.

Thankful that Adelyn likes to keep her room just so. Bed made. Toys arranged in a pleasing manner. Lots of little live pets hanging out. Chirping and barking.

Thankful for the way Higbee likes to cuddle in bed with me. I like the way he looks up at me when I pet his head and his ears.

Thankful for a great last day of Christmas vacation.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

The first day of the year.

January 1, 2017
Day 112

We hung out with family all day.

We got to catch up with family we haven't seen in a while.

We were lazy this morning.

We watched, The Parent Trap while I folded laundry this morning.

Late night grocery shopping trips are the best.

It was a great first day of the year.

Higbee is cuddling with me as I write this post. I loves to cuddle in bed. Who doesn't

One more day at home with my babies.