Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Red One.

January 22, 2017
Day 133

For time with family.

For rain.

For the opportunity to have Greenie stay at our house for a bit. He reminds me of Roxy. And when I see him and pet him, she doesn't feel so far away.

For salad made of broccoli, kale, spinach, pecans, and dried cranberries with a fresh lemon and olive oil dressing.

For sleeping children.

For new posters to hang up at school.

For Mr. Sketch markers. The red one is best. No contest. Although I don't know why everyone hates the black one. I like it. It makes my mouth water when I smell it.

For Mondays. Sometimes they are hard, but I really like the feeling of a fresh, new something. Days, even weeks. So because Monday signals the start of a fresh, new week, I like it.

For sneaky trips to find a place to dump trash with my dad. Neither of us had a wallet or a phone. We just loaded up the car and started driving.

For a pleasant Sunday.


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