January 12, 2017
Day 123
Today was hard. But the beauty about days are that they come and they go. If a day is hard, one can simply fall asleep and then wake up in a brand new day. Problems may carry over, but things always look different - even if only slightly - in the light of a new day.
Here are the good bits of this day that made me feel thankful:
-The clouds and the sky. There was an amazing sunrise this morning and an equally amazing sunset tonight.
-My family.
-Fresh pineapple. And then a few pieces of fresh pineapple with a few pieces of cheese.
-The fact that it's going to get cold again this weekend. This weather is absurd. That's a fact.
-Today is Thursday, so that means tomorrow is Friday.
-For rain in the forecast for Saturday. That means we can stay inside and be cozy all day.
Thankful that tomorrow is a new day. Thankful for the good bits of this one. Looking forward to going to sleep and waking up in the light of a new day.
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