Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Lisa, Lorrie, Michelle.

April 19, 2017
Day 201

It was cool outside today. It made me feel so happy. I could take good, deep breaths of air.

Thankful for amazing friends at work. Thankful for a good talk on the playground today with Lorrie and Lisa. They listened to me and made me feel loved and supported. Thankful for Michelle who opens my windows every morning so my room gets good and cold for the day. Our AC is broken and I don't function well in the heat. I love friends who get me.

Thankful for little texts from my sister. I can't wait until she comes home with Odette.

Thankful for books before bed with my family.

Thankful for nights when I get to come to bed and relax until I fall asleep.

My husband washed the dishes for me this evening.

My students were so excited for the new books I got for them over spring break.

Tomorrow is Thursday, and the day after that is Friday. I'm ready to get my weekend on.

Thankful for animals. I watched a show on the Galapagos Islands tonight, and it was fascinating. I especially love watching about the albatross. I love their pretty black eyes, and the fact that they mate for life. But it was when I read The Rime of the Ancient Mariner that I fell in love with them.

I get to sleep all night until morning.

I get to wear a jersey to school tomorrow. I don't like sports, but at least I get to be comfy.


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