Saturday, June 22, 2024

Vacation - Saturday.

June 22, 2024
Day 2,801

Thankful for: 

A fun day! 

We went to an Aquarium. It was awesome! 

We went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant. The food was delicious. 

We drive a loop in the Great Smoky Mountains and saw a bear! 

We saw beautiful things today: waterfalls, big rocks, creeks, trees, old homesteads, and wide open sky. 

We came home and relaxed with some snacks and a movie. We watched Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring. 

We had pizza for dinner and ice cream for dessert. 

It was such a wonderful vacation! 

I'm excited to go home tomorrow. 

I can't wait to be in my home, see Higbee, and my family. 

Lots of hugs and kisses from Matt. 

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