Thursday, February 27, 2025

Winter sunset light and good words.

February 27, 2025
Day 3,029

Thankful for: 

A good day. I worked from home today. It was good to work from the couch, in sweats, and have the whole house to myself. Higbee was a peaceful, sleepy work buddy. 

I was here when my kids got home from school. It was nice to see them and hug them. 

The smell and feel and sounds of home. 

Tomorrow is Friday and Casey and Shane's birthday. Casey will be 15, and Shane will be 32. 

Plans to celebrate on Saturday. 

Plans to relax on Sunday. I want us to pop popcorn and watch Wicked as a family. I'm looking forward to it. 

Good friends. I'm very thankful for sweet, kind, and thoughtful friends. 

A long phone call with my grandmother. I talked with her while I was driving home from Trader Joe's. 

I went to Trader Joe's to get coffee and a few other snacks and things for salads. 

A beautiful sunset. 

Winter light. I'm hanging onto winter light for as long as I can. 


A long phone call with Matt while I drove to Trader Joe's. I like the sound of Matt's voice. 

The sound of my dad's voice. 

A fun day at work tomorrow. 

These beautiful words spoken by a person at the end of a show where they got dropped off in the middle of nowhere and had to survive by themselves: "I do have a love/hate relationship with this place. You get up in the morning, and you confront the realities of your situation. Some days it's great, and some days it's horrible. But suffering has value. You avoid it at all costs. You never want to go back and repeat it. But it has value. It's a part of life, and nobody gets through life without suffering. Nobody. The question is: what do you allow it to do in you? You can allow that suffering to make you bitter. Angry. Just a wretched person. You can allow that suffering to eat away at your soul, turn in on itself, and just chew you apart. Or we can look for the deeper meaning in it. My philosophy on suffering is that God's trying to teach me something. I know that in the end, I get to keep those lessons, and the pain goes away." 

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