Saturday, August 3, 2013

Happy Birthday, Opa!

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 213

     My dad's birthday was on August 1st, so we had our big family party today. Birthdays are big around here. Huge. When I told Adelyn that Opa had just arrived, she grabbed the card she made for him, and ran from the kitchen to meet him at the door. Not even a smile. Just intensity. Running to get to the door. When he walked in, she greeted him with a big smile and a, "Happy Birthday, Opa!" She was pretty proud to hand him her card as well. She loves to give gifts.

     We had an awesome little cookout, followed up by some awesome birthday cake. Complete with gluten free, and now, dairy free cupcakes for Adelyn. They were actually, pretty darn good. I used coconut milk, and a vegetable butter. Yum. Vegetable butter. No, but seriously, they were good!

     This was the first birthday party that Tobin and Sophia could really join in on the fun. They enjoyed some cake too. Or, at least making a big mess of it. My favorite part, as always, is the affirmations, and the giving of gifts. I love hearing our family proclaim their love for one another. There is always at least one person with tears in their eyes. And then, the gifts. It's not because I'm materialistic that I love to receive gifts. Or to give gifts. It's because a gift is a token of love. It says, "I love you so much that words alone don't feel like enough. So, here's this little something that I know you'll really enjoy."

     Thankful for my dad. He's amazing. And everyone that meets him or knows him says the same thing. He's helped countless people throughout his lifetime, most times without recognition. And sometimes, without thanks. But, that's okay. Because that's just the kind of guy he is. He is always there for us. Whenever we need him, he comes running. Thankful I got to celebrate with him today. Thankful for a fun birthday party with my family. Thankful to be able to spend time with people I love and hold dear. It makes me feel full.

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