Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The day that changed my life forever.

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 230

     Three years ago today, my Adelyn Bailey was born. And all day long, images of the day she was born have flooded my memory. Images, thoughts, and feelings. Feelings like incredible fear. Fear that gave way to incredible joy and thankfulness that our girl made it through. I'll never forget the words spoken to me by my nurse, "push like her life depends on it...push like your life depends on it." I'll never forget the most sickening feeling I've ever felt waiting to hear Adelyn cry. And then, the greatest relief I've ever felt when she did. I'll never forget the feeling of becoming a mother. I'll never forget the joy I felt when I saw Matt hold our daughter for the first time. I'll never forget those first few days we spent together. They were terrifying and amazing at the same time.

     Three years of Adelyn has been the best three years of my life. Adelyn saved me in more ways than one. It's funny how when you become a parent, you have these big plans about teaching your kid all kinds of things. And now that I'm a parent, I feel that I learn more from Adelyn than she learns from me. Children have this funny way of being childish and wise at the same time. I learn more from being her mother than I learn from just being Christen. Her life has given my life purpose and meaning. Her life has been a lighthouse to mine. She's an incredible person. I'm just glad to be a part of her. When I think about her life as a adult, I think of this one phrase, "kid, you'll move mountains."

     Thankful tonight, and all of my nights, for Adelyn. She's my mountain mover. My lighthouse. My sunshine. My girl. Mine. I'm just thrilled to be the mother of such an amazing being. Blessed, actually. Blessed.

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