Friday, August 2, 2013

Scary thoughts try to come...but I push them away with happy ones.

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 212

     So, having an anxiety disorder, scary thoughts pop up in my head for no reason whatsoever. They just come. It's hard to battle them everyday, but I do it. Because I'm stronger than anxiety. Today, I was petting Roxy. We were just sitting there, cuddling together, and I was looking into her eyes, and a scary thought came. I made the mistake of watching a very disturbing and horrifying video PETA put out a few years back. My brain is forever scared with those images. I guess, somewhere in the world, someone needs to see those videos, so that justice can prevail. I am not one of those people. It is the one thing I constantly wish I could erase from my memory. It is just too horrifying.

     So, all day long, I was plagued with those images. And then, while we were driving home from Wegman's, the words to Adelyn's music jogged something else in my memory. "You can be a handy helper, too." I was reminded of that now famous Mr. Rogers quote.

     I was reminded that there are helpers. I was reminded of Andrea Marshall. An actual, National Geographic Explorer that came to my house for dinner. She is a helper. She is out there, doing good. Making a difference. Caring for animals. There are scary things. There are horrifying things. Like the things I saw in the PETA video. But, I'd bet for every horrible thing that happens to animals, there must be one hundred more good things that happen.

     I'm thankful I have a sweet animal to call my own. I'm thankful she loves to cuddle with me. I'm thankful that I can make a difference. I can do good. Just by loving Roxy. And maybe there would be some people out there who would say, "what difference can you make? You only have one dog, and there are countless animals that need help or rescuing." To that I would say this:


     Thankful for Roxy. Thankful that having her allows me to do good. To make a difference. Thankful for the unconditional love she shows me. Thankful for all the helpers in this world. There is good. There are good people. There are good images we can think on. When anxiety tries to pull a fast one of me, I pull an even faster one. Because I think of the helpers. I think of the good. And good will always, always triumph over evil. Because the good is stronger. Thankful for the good tonight.

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