Saturday, January 19, 2013

Adventures in Motherhood.

Project 365 *2 -- Day 19

     Fun day, today. Fun, and exciting, and a little stressful at times, and definitely an adventure in Motherhood. Started off innocently enough. My Dad was doing what he always does every weekend--helping us kids with something that needs fixing. Today, our Excursion needed some work. So, we all spent the day at my parents. Matt, me, our kids, Patty, her kids, Shane, and my parents. Full house. A.J. was working. He missed out on the adventures of today.

     So, we got to my parents around 11, sat around talking for a bit, had some lunch. We took the kids outside for a while. It was a gorgeous day. We went on a walk. The kids played in the yard. And then we tried to put the kids down for a nap. This is when things got a bit...adventuresome.

     Adelyn and Casey were pretty torqued up. So, we all went into my parents room to lay down, and watch a show. Addy, Casey, Tobin, Sophia, Patty, and me. Tobin is teething, and was just a little bit fussy today, so we had to leave. I was pleased when Patty came out, and told me that Adelyn and Casey were sleeping. So pleased. We both were. Until we noticed what time it was. 4:25pm. Okay, we said. They were outside playing all day. Let's let them sleep until 4:45pm. Then we'll get them up. No harm in that, right?

     Wrong. They were impossible to get up. Matt was finally able to get Addy up. Casey was a different story. He was crying from the moment we got him out of bed. Crying hard. Whining. Then he started gagging. And coughing. And saying, "OUCH!" Gagged some more. Screaming, "OUCH!"

     The look Patty and I gave each other said it all. Panic. We were both panicked. We have newborn babies. And everyone is so scared of this damn flu going around that it has us scared as well. Or at least just nervous about our kids catching it, especially Tobin or Sophia.

     Casey is prone to ear infections, and after watching him for a few minutes, we decided that it must be an ear infection. We were praying it wasn't the flu. Because today is Saturday, Casey wouldn't be able to get in to see a Doctor until Monday morning. And we all figured, since he was in so much pain, Patty should just bite the bullet, and take him to the ER to get him on antibiotics as soon as possible. And because Sophia is so tiny still, we decided it would be best to keep her home with us. Sick season, you know?

     So, Patty, Casey, and my Mom rush off to the ER...Casey screaming as they walked out the door. Five minutes after they left, Sophia was hungry. Very hungry. So, I nursed her. When she was done nursing, Tobin started crying. He was hungry. Very hungry. So, I nursed him. I hadn't eaten anything all day but a bagel. One bagel. I don't know what I was thinking. Anyways, at this point, I was shaking. I hadn't eaten enough, and Tobin had literally been nursing all day because he was teething. So, in between nursing Tobin and Sophia, I scarfed down my dinner, and lots of water. When I wasn't scarfing down my food, I was sitting on the couch, nursing Sophia. Then Tobin. Then Sophia. Then Tobin. It was a very busy hour or two.

     The best part of this adventure: my Mom calls to tell us, Casey is fine. 100%. Nothing wrong with him. No ear infection. Nothing wrong with his throat. No fever. Nada. Nothing. No more gagging. No more crying. He's as healthy as a horse.

     Our diagnosis of his mysterious symptoms that came on so suddenly, and left just as quickly as they came on: he was pissed off. He didn't want to get up from his nap.

     I am so thankful for all the babies. And tonight, I am especially thankful for Casey. Our little actor. Who put on quite the performance. Had us all fooled. Thinking he had ear infections, the flu, or worse! When really, all he had was a case of, "Gotuponthewrongsideofthebed-itis." Love him. He gave us a great story to tell!

Tobin says, "What is that noise?"

"Oh, it's that baby, again..."

A beautiful tree we saw on our walk today.

Some more lovely trees.

We caught this guy looking at us!

The calm before the storm.

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