Friday, January 25, 2013

Mama's Boy

Project 365 *2 -- Day 25

     There really is something to be said about that old saying, "he's a mama's boy," isn't there? My little boy is no exception. He loves me. Needs me. Wants me to hold him all day. Especially during nap time. Lately, I literally cannot do anything at nap time except nurse him, and hold him. He wakes up the moment I put him in his snuggle nest. Bedtime is a different story. I bathe him, nurse him, and he is down for the night. He stays sleeping until around 6 or 7 the next morning, usually. I know I am so lucky to have such a great nighttime sleeper. But, at nap, sometimes I start thinking, I wish I could put him down so I could shower, or clean, or cook dinner, etc. I catch myself though. I've said it before, and I'm saying it again: it won't be like this for long. I have right now. He is 3 months old. Now. I've got time to hold him for nap. And, I have a killer excuse for not getting any housework done. :)

     I'm thankful for now. I'm thankful for my 3 month old. I'm thankful for my 2 year old. I'm thankful that I am right where I want to be in life. Couldn't be happier.

Laughing at Matt

Lunch, or "Munch" as Addy calls it.

It isn't anyone's birthday, we just decided to make and have cake for dessert. Adelyn thinks that any cake eating means it is someone's birthday, and that calls for party hats.


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