Friday, January 11, 2013

Sweet like candy to my soul

Project 365 * 2 -- Day 11

     Whenever I'm feeling sad, or lonely, or having a hard day...there are two things that can always make me smile. Children and my sister. Here are some things that made me smile today:

1. Adelyn touched my check after I changed her diaper, made a very sweet face, and said, "I love you so much, Mama!"

2. Playing with Addy and Casey. They use their imaginations all the time now, and it is so fun to pretend with them. We pretended to be dogs, and lions. We pretended to cook. And we also played a very rousing game of "put the bunny and bear in timeout because they were being bad and hitting Rapunzel." Seriously. It's a game they play. Casey holds the bunny, Addy holds the bear, and the bunny and the bear "hit" Rapunzel (a doll Adelyn got for Christmas), and they have to go to timeout for it. It is so hilarious to watch them. What makes me laugh the most is what Casey and Addy say to the bunny and the bear. We hear things like, "okay, I said no, that's a timeout!" "Now, no hitting, bunny!" "Now, no hitting, bear!" And my favorite is from Casey boy, "YOU DO NOT HIT, BEAR!"

3. Watching my sister laugh is contagious. She has a great laugh. And she laughs a lot. Being around her when you're sad is kind of impossible, because she laughs too much. It's almost impossible to be sad if you're laughing. I'm so thankful for her.

4. Sophia and Tobin. Such sweet little ones. I got to hold Sophia for a whole 5 minutes today before she wanted her Mama. :) And Tobin, his sweet smile is amazing. I love his smile. Also impossible to be sad around my happy boy. His smile is so warm and genuine.

     That's why Tobin, his smile, Sophia, Adelyn, Casey, and Patty are sweet like candy to my soul. Because they are genuine. The real thing. Real happiness. Real smiles. Real laughter. Real love. I know Dave was talking about a different kind of love when he wrote Crash, but whenever I hear the line...sweet like candy to my soul...I think about moments like these: laughing with Patty, and playing with babies. That is what is sweet to my soul.  

He likes to be a firefighter! :)

Adelyn has a very bad habit: hair chewing! Ugh...don't know how we're going to stop her from doing it!

Bunny and Bear in timeout.

Roxy sleeps through all the noise.

Don't they look sad?

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