Friday, January 31, 2025

I got to talk to my dad today.

January 31, 2025
Day 3,002

Thankful for:

A good day. 

A day called Friday. 


I got to talk to my dad, and he sounds so much better. It was good to hear his voice. 

Matt and I got to go out to eat. 

Family and friends who really care.

The weekend coming up and we have no plans. 

Time spent outside after work. Being in the forest makes me full. 


I found a big rock. 

Songs of birds everywhere. 

The band United Pursuit. I listened to them while I fell asleep. 

Being excited to spend the morning outside tomorrow. 

Time to sleep and reset. 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Good news about my dad!

January 30, 2025
Day 3,001

Thankful for: 

So many hawks today. 

Such caring friends and family. 

The ways God is taking care of things. 

The ways that God is parting the sea for my parents. 

Good news about my dad. 

My mom told me today that my dad always says he has ten grandchildren. Shane has four. Patty has three. He counts River in his list of grandchildren. Instead of counting just two for Adelyn and Tobin, he counts three for Adelyn, River, and Tobin. There's a part of me that always felt that I had to fight or have to fight to prove River's existence to other people. My dad has never made me feel that way. There is proof of her existence on his arm. 

My mom finally told me all that was going on with my dad tonight. He's been so sick. I am so thankful for doctors, nurses, and medicine. 

My dad might be able to come home on Saturday. 

I have a little treat for Matt, Addy, and Tobin for Valentine's Day. I'm excited to give it to them. 

Matt and I are going to go on a little dinner date tomorrow while we wait for Tobin to finish hanging with some friends for a birthday. I'm excited to go out with him. 

Tomorrow is Friday. I can't wait to sleep on Saturday. Saturdays are for sweats and sweaters, and I can't wait for it. 

A sweet student at school. 

Leftovers for dinner for me. 

I got to hang out with my mom for a little bit tonight to help her run an errand. 

Matt did the dishes for me. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

3,000 Days of Thankfulness.

January 29, 2025
Day 3,000

Thankful for: 

3,000 days of thankfulness. 

My dad. He's the one who encouraged me to write about the things I was thankful for after River passed away. I did 100 days, then over 700, and now I'm on day 3,000. 


Bible verses that bring me comfort. 

Friends who care. 

A hug from Tobin. He wrapped his arms around me and put my hands in his. He prayed for my dad and for me. 

Hugs from Matt. 

Hearing my dad's voice over the phone. 

The story of Moses parting the Red Sea. I keep coming back to it over and over. 

Playing Uno with Matt and Tobin before dinner. 

A sweater I wear only at home. 

Tomorrow is Thursday, and the next day is Friday. 

Comforting shows. 

Healthy food to eat. 

Cold air in the mornings. 

Feeding my birds every morning. 

There are still patches of snow. 

The feeling of laying in bed and being able to close my eyes. 

Doing these 100 days with my friend, Melissa. 

Faith that God knows what's He's doing, and He's got my dad. 

Hearing about Casey, Sophia, and Odette loving on Hank and making him feel special while my parents are gone.

Hearing about my sister do something very nice for my brother. 

Beautiful sunsets. 

Fields with golden grasses glowing from the sunset. 


My dad's tattoo for River. I keep thinking about it. 

Odette got to ride home with me today. I love being with her. Today she called me, "Kik" (sounds like keek) for short instead of Kiki. It made me smile so big. 

Adelyn told me I looked beautiful at dinner. 

Everyone really enjoyed dinner tonight. I made Swiss steak. 

Hearing my mom's voice on the phone. Prayers offered up in faith together with my mom and my sister. 

My health. 

Doctors and nurses taking good care of my dad. 

The practice of being thankful. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Geese flying in a v.

January 28, 2025
Day 2,999

Thankful for: 

My dad is doing better. 

He's getting the help he needed. 

Doctors and nurses and medicine. 

Friends who really care. 

Family who really cares. 

A good job at a place I love. 

Sweet students. One of my favorite students found me today to ask for Vaseline for his chapped lips. I keep a little jar and some q-tips in my office for such occasions. We talked about football, football cards, family, and the yearbook. 

Evidence that God is good. 

Getting into bed by 8:00 pm. 

Tomorrow is Wednesday.

Beautiful things to see all around. 

Geese flying in a v shape. 

My bed. Time to sleep. 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Answered prayers.

January 27, 2025
Day 2,998

Thankful for: 

Answered prayers. 

My parents. 

My dad getting the help he needed. 


Doctors and nurses. 

A very late night drive with Patty. We haven't been on a late night drive in a while. We prayed. We talked. We laughed. I think it's good medicine to be able to laugh even when things are hard and scary. 

We picked up sweet Hank for my parents. It was good to cuddle him. 

We brought my mom some things for my dad. She came out to get them. We hugged and prayed. 

Songs that bring me comfort. 

Prayers that bring me comfort. 

Faith that brings me comfort and peace. 

I spent time in the woods today praying and watching the beauty of nature. 

The feeling of coming home. 

Family. I'm so thankful to have my family. 

Friends that truly care. Sweet text messages. Prayers from friends. 

Higbee met me at the door when I came home. It's good to be loved by an animal. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

New niece and sweet, smiling nephews.

January 26, 2025
Day 2,997

Thankful for: 

A good Sunday. 

Tobin had fun with his friends. 

Time to sit outside and watch my birds. 

I saw two pileated woodpeckers today. 

I got to see my new niece and my nephews today! It was so good to see them. It filled up my heart to visit with my family. 

Remy has a lot of hair, and her hair is swirled. 

I got to chat with Cheyenne for a while. 

Aidan kissed me for the first time today, and said, "Bye, Kiki."

I made cookies to bring over for my nephews. 

A beautiful drive. 

Winter light. 

The way winter light shines on fields of tan grasses. 

I saw two hawks on my drive. 

I got to see bunnies, chicks, and ducks today while buying bird seed. 

I bought some sunflower seeds to plant this spring. I can't wait to plant things. 

A day of work with no little ones tomorrow. 

Matt holding my hand. 

Texts from friends. 

A phone call with my mom. 

An ice cream sundae. 

A new week starting tomorrow.