Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Taking chances, being brave, and overcoming hard things.

January 22, 2025
Day 2,993

Thankful for: 

A good, quiet day working from home. 

Cold air and my warm, cozy home. 

Bible verses that bring me peace. 


The love and support of so many people. I'm truly blessed to have so many amazing people in my life. 

Good friends. My heart feels full from the love and support of my amazing friends. 

Answered prayers for peace and calm and a clear mind. 

The feeling of taking chances and being brave and overcoming something hard. 

Matt sent me sweet texts today. 

Matt bought me three different ice creams to celebrate the end of a hard thing. 

A cold ten minutes sitting with my backyard bird friends. 

A chat with my grandma. 

Hugs and kisses from Matt, Addy, and Tobin. 

Happy tippy taps from Higbee when I came home.

Higbee likes to take my side of the bed when I'm not here. I like to think it's because he likes the smell of me, and sleeping on my side of the bed makes him feel close to me even when I'm gone. 

Being able to go to sleep tonight and rest my mind. 

My yard. 

Tomorrow is Thursday and the next day is Friday. 

A fun weekend for Tobin ahead. 

A phone call from two friends. 

Fun projects at work coming up. 

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