Thursday, October 31, 2019

Fun days with my babies.

October 31, 2019
Day 1,129

Thankful for:


time to trick or treat with my children.

time with Steph and Mario.



fun days with my babies.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A regular Wednesday.

October 30, 2019
Day 1,128

Thankful for:

a quiet day.

a day with nothing on my calendar.

a regular Wednesday.

a day when I got to come home on time and make dinner for my family.

my home.

my dog.

the woods.

things to be thankful for.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Quiet days coming soon.

October 29, 2019
Day 1,127

Thankful for:

quiet days coming soon.

buys days ending soon.

my students.

the people I work with.

my friend, Heidi.


people who love me.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Long drives with talking; no music. Long drives with music; no talking.

October 28, 2019
Day 1,126

Thankful for:

time with my sister.

impossible whoppers for dinner.

long drives with no music; just talking.

long drives with no talking; just music.

my dad.

my dad driving us directly to our destination in DC.

a relaxing concert.


beautiful music.

my dad waiting directly outside of the concert venue to pick us up afterwards.

time with family is time well spent.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A day spent mostly on the couch.

October 27, 2019
Day 1,125

Thankful for:

a long walk down the driveway with Matt this morning.

finding cool rocks after the rain.

getting all my grading done.

going into the week caught up with school work.

my babies playing all day together.


leftover tacos for lunch and dinner.

leftover cake and ice cream.

leftover rain on the deck this morning.

colorful leaves.

the knowledge that this was the last annoying ass hot day.


a day spent mostly on the couch.

beer with dinner.

the way my kids love each other.

the way my husband loves me.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cilantro and sangria.

October 26, 2019
Day 1,124

Thankful for:


tacos and fajitas


pico de galleo

sour cream

a giant cake

ice cream

people who love my family

time to celebrate Matt

a good night with Matt

kissing him for the first time in a week

happy kids with their dada

Friday, October 25, 2019


October 25, 2019
Day 1,123

Thankful for:

Friday nights.

time to clean my house.

ingredients to make a party for my love tomorrow.

people coming to my house to celebrate Matt tomorrow.

taco fixings.

a giant cake with a celebratory message.

the weekend.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The morning light.

October 24, 2019
Day 1,122

Thankful for:

a safe drive to work.

air in my lungs.

getting out of bed in the morning.

being able to see the trees and the woods in the morning.

the morning light.

only a few more days until I see my love.

my babies.


my job.

my students.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Leaving work while it was still light out.

October 23, 2019
Day 1,121

Thankful for:

getting home early.

leaving work while it was still light out.

my children.

Higbee being happy to see me when I come home.

things to be thankful for.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The feeling of November.

October 22, 2019
Day 1,120

Thankful for:

conversations with my mom, Patty, and Jason.

texts from my husband.

leftovers for dinner.

cuddly Higbee.

a messy, but beautiful home.

messages on my phone from my cousin.

the feeling of being somewhat caught up at school.

October is going to be over soon.

the feeling of relaxing in Novemeber.

I'm going to the beach soon.

time to sleep.

healthy food to eat for school tomorrow.



kisses from my babies.

my babies.

my job.

a fresh new day tomorrow.

my bed.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fresh new weeks.

October 21, 2019
Day 1,119

Thankful for:


fresh new weeks with no mistakes in them.

rearranging my classroom.

feeling more comfortable in my work area.

a big classroom.

sweet students.

time to sleep at night.

Higbee being cuddly.

my kids.

hugs and kisses from them.

time to relax and watch TV

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Listening to the rain.

October 20, 2019
Day 1,118

Thankful for:

days where I sit on the couch all day.

listening to the rain.

watching the rain.

walking in the rain with Higbee.

grading papers all day.

my husband bringing home dinner for our family.

watching Friends all day.

time to be quiet.

quiet children.

chocolate and tea.

giving my husband a haircut.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Moo Thru.

October 19, 2019
Day 1,116

Thankful for:

a fun, busy day.

new pants.

new decorations for our home.

dinner out with my mom.

ice cream from Moo Thru not once, but twice today.

cold air.

frost warnings.

coming home and sleeping after a very busy day.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Glorious sunsets.

October 18, 2019
Day 1,115

Thankful for:

Friday nights.

a busy day tomorrow because that means a relaxing day is the day after.

time to sit and watch Friends. 

cold air.

windy days.

glorious sunsets.

evening light.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The hope of quiet days soon.

October 17, 2019
Day 1,114

Thankful for:

tomorrow is Friday.

Haymarket Day is Saturday.

I don't have any plans for Sunday.

the hope of quiet days soon.

my family.

kisses from my families.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Noah and the Ark.

October 16, 2019
Day 1,113

     I showed my students a video of Noah's ark today. It occurred to me while we were watching that there was no electricity on the ark. There were no real bathrooms. There was no kitchen with a stove and a refrigerator. There was no TV. There were no magazines or books. There were no comforts of any kind. Except for the hope and faith that Noah and his family held in their hearts. It occurred to me that they had never seen rain before. They had never heard thunder. They had never seen lightning. They were on a dark boat in the middle of an entire earth full of water.

     They I thought of this: God didn't remove them from their situation. God saw them through the situation. He carried them and watched over them and provided for them. Sometimes God helps us out of a situation, but other times, he tells us to build an ark and to trust Him through the storm. Even if it rains for 40 days and 40 nights.

     I trust Him.
     Thankful for Noah. For the ark. And for storms.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A fresh, new day tomorrow with no mistakes in it.

October 15, 2019
Day 1,112

Thankful for:


October 15th.

Foster's for dinner.

Waking Tobin up this morning; his first day as a seven year old.

Kissing him goodnight last night; his last day as a six year old.

milkshakes at Foster's.

a Wegman's white cake for Tobin's birthday celebration tonight.

seeing Tobin's face light up with his new gifts.

time to sleep.

a fresh, new day tomorrow; with no mistakes in it.

Monday, October 14, 2019


October 14, 2019
Day 1,111

Thankful for:

a day to set up my new classroom.

CAVA for lunch.

my babies; they were patient with me today.

milkshakes; they make bad things feel better.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Tobin's birthday party.

October 13, 2019
Day 1,110

Thankful for:

Tobin's birthday party.

fire pits.



fun times with the sweetest boy in the world.

seeing my boy smile on his birthday.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Tobin's birthday celebration dinner.

October 12, 2019
Day 1,109

Thankful for:

new paint for Tobin's room.

new decorations for Tobin's room.


impromptu lunch with Steph and Mario.

Tobin's room looking awesome after Matt and I painted.

Tobin's birthday celebration tomorrow.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Moving day.

October 11, 2019
Day 1,108

Thankful for:

moving day.

putting my new stuff in my classroom.

making plans for my new space.

my students being excited about our new space.

short list.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Moving day tomorrow.

October 10, 2019
Day 1,107

Thankful for:

my last full day of school in our school building.

moving day tomorrow.

a big classroom in our new school building.


a fun weekend coming up.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


October 9, 2019
Day 1,106

Thankful for:


my children.

my husband.

my sister.

my mom.

my dad.

my brother.

my dog.

my sister in law.

my brother in law.

my mother in law.

my brother in law.

my nieces.

my nephew.

my home.

clothes to wear.

my job.

my students.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A day called Tuesday.

October 8, 2019
Day 1,105

Thankful for:

a day called Tuesday.

going to a new school building next week.

sweet students.

sweet Adelyn and Tobin.


Monday, October 7, 2019

Time to be at home.

October 7, 2019
Day 1,104

Thankful for:


the month of October.

cool weather coming soon.

Tobin's birthday coming up soon.

time to be at home.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Very fine Sundays.

October 6, 2019
Day 1,103

Thankful for:

cool weather.

walking Higbee in the cool morning.

playing outside with my family.



tree climbs.

skinned arms.

chairs in our yard.

cookies for snack time.

blister peanuts.

plans to go to my sister's for family dinner.

the feeling of going into a new week caught up on literally: everything.

moving to our new school home at the end of this week.

cool weather. I said it before, but I'm saying it again. I'm just so thankful for it.

letting Higbee run fast and far.

seeing Higbee play with his truck and his deflated basketball.

playing on the trampoline with my family.

laughing with my family.

quiet mornings spent at home.

church done at home this morning.

coffee on the couch.

showers in the afternoon.

very fine Sundays.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

You're the best mom in the world. You're famous.

October 5, 2019
Day 1,102

Thankful for:

cold air.

walks in the cold air.

time to sit outside and not be hot.

time to be home.

time to sit on my couch and watch TV.

Impractical Jokers. 


hot tea.


soup for dinner.

mint chocolate chip ice cream with hot fudge.

my papers all graded.

checking things off my checklist for school.

cuddling with Higbee.

another day off with my loves tomorrow.

hugs from my girl and my boy.

Tobin telling me that, "You're the best mom in the world."

Adelyn telling me that, "You're famous." She googled my name and my picture came up for my school. She was so amazed.

Matt being off tomorrow.

things to be thankful for.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday night.

October 4, 2019
Day 1,101

Thankful for:

Friday night.

medicine to help me feel better.

knowing that I'm going to be home all day tomorrow.

knowing that I'm not going to go anywhere all day on Saturday.

homemade pizza for dinner.

sitting on the couch with Matt and talking.

my kids relaxing on a Friday night.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Fun nights at the roller skating rink.

October 3, 2019
Day 1,100

Thankful for:

fun nights with my family at the roller skating rink.

watching Adelyn eat pizza and have a drink of water at the roller skating rink.

riding home late at night with my babies.

tomorrow is Friday.

hugs and kisses from my husband.

seeing my husband play with our kids.

the feeling of being home.

the woods.

fall is coming soon.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Glorious sunsets that make you happy to be alive.

October 2, 2019
Day 1,099

Thankful for:

glorious sunsets that make me happy to be alive.

colors that you can't quite describe.

a good day at work.

a good back to school night.

sweet students.

sweet Adelyn and Tobin.

the way Higbee reacts when I come home from work.

kisses from my husband.

being able to talk to my friend, Sasha.

being able to talk to my cousin, Lauren.

lavender oil.

the feeling of being home.

the feeling of getting stuff done.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October 1st.

October 1, 2019
Day 1,098

Thankful for:

the first day of October.

the promise of fall coming soon.

the promise of rest coming soon.

a busy week.

a quiet weekend coming up.

Higbee being happy to see me when I get home.