Tuesday, September 30, 2014

There is good.

Project 365 * 4
Day 635

     I heard something disturbing today from a friend. Very disturbing, actually. But it didn't ruin my day. It didn't ruin my minutes, or my hours, or my evening. It isn't hanging over me like a black cloud. Instead of panic, I feel peace. And it feels so good to feel incredibly peaceful over something incredibly disturbing.

     After my friend told me this disturbing news, she said to me, "life is so hard right now." Yes. Life can be hard. The world can feel dark. There are scary things. But there is also good. There is good.

There are kisses.

There are trees.

There are goose feet.

There is snow.

There are baby feet.

There are big smiles.

There is color.

There are babies.

There is silly.

There is light.

There is spring.

There are big grassy hills that are perfect for sitting.

There are memories.

There are cherry blossoms.

There are rides at the mall.

There are little hands collecting flower petals.

There is kindness.

There is joy.

There are flowers.

There are sunsets.

There are baby ducks.

There are tiny ballerinas.

There are dogs.

There is the forest.

There is hand holding.

There is fun.

There are helpers.

There are popsicles.

There are big eyed deer.

There are rainbows.

There is kite flying.

There are tiny flowers.

There is paint.

There are funny boys.

There is hope. And dreams.

There is static.

There are fairs.

There are roller coasters.

There are bumblebees on sunflowers.

There are sleepovers.

There is Superman.

There is leaf collecting.

There are furry friends.

There is new life. 

There are after bath time mohawks.

There are siblings. There is family.

There are treasures.

     There is good. All around. Everywhere. Every day. There is good. Thankful for good.