Sunday, September 8, 2024

I love when my kids are happy.

September 8, 2024
Day 2,859

Thankful for: 

A great Sunday. 

A good day with my family. 

Tobin is not feeling well, but he's not doing too bad. 

Mini pumpkins in my living room. 

A cool weather day. 

Snuggling with Higbee. Those moments are so rare, so I really enjoy them. 

Addy got to go roller skating with her best friend. I love when my kids are happy. 

I got to hang out with Patty and my mom while Addy was skating. I had some homemade chicken soup that my dad made. It was very warm and comforting and homey. 

Singing in the car with Adelyn. She's an amazing singer, and she's teaching me how to be a better singer. 

Burgers for dinner. They were so delicious. Burgers, corn on the cob, and tater tots. It was an all-American dinner. 

Lots of cuddles and snuggles from my love today. 

I made Tobin a grape juice slushie, and it made him really happy. 

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