Friday, December 22, 2017


December 22, 2017
Day 443

We saw Santa today! It was a merry time. My parents came to watch the kids visit Santa. It was a sweet time.

Tobin got a haircut today and he looks so sweet. I don't think I've ever seen a cuter new haircut face than Tobin's. He asked me if his new hair cut would still be there after I washed his hair during his bath tonight.

Adelyn looked grown up and beautiful in her picture with Santa. Grown up and beautiful and little at the same time because she brought her favorite stuffed animal with her. Lamby. Lamby goes everywhere these days.

I strung up some colored Christmas lights around our house today. I don't know why, but Christmas lights tacked up on the walls makes me happy. I think it looks beautiful.

I get to sleep next to my love every night.

I get to kiss two amazing babies goodnight every evening.

I get to cuddle a wild coyote named, Higbee.

I get to be at home the next nine days.

I'm going to wrap presents tomorrow.

I'm thankful that God gives me good things even though I don't deserve them.


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