Wednesday, July 31, 2024

It's much friendlier.

July 31, 2024
Day 2,840

Thankful for: 

The last day of July. 

A new month beginning tomorrow. 

August has lots of family birthdays. 

Sheets over all the windows. It keeps it cool and dark in our house and I love it. I'm ready for the fall and winter sun. It's much friendlier. 

Time with family. Lots of hugs. Lots of snuggles. 

The smell of Higbee. 

The smell of my home. 

The feeling of my bed. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Five things to be thankful for today.

July 30, 2024
Day 2,839

Thankful for: 

A good day of work. 

A special coffee. 

Air conditioning. 

Time with family. 

Fall is coming soon. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Yellow and red leaf patches.

July 29, 2024
Day 2,838

Thankful for: 


My bed. 

A good day of work. I did half a day at home and half a day at school. 

A sandwich for lunch and a sandwich for dinner. I love sandwiches. 

A sweet text message from Matt. 

A nice walk with Matt and Higbee. 

A quiet night. 


Clouds and trees blowing in the wind. 


Signs that fall is coming soon. Every day, I see new patches of yellow and red leaves on the trees. I'm very excited for fall, for winter, and for all the "ber" months. They're my absolute favorite. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday three.

July 28, 2024
Day 2,837

Thankful for: 

A great day with friends. 

Burgers, dogs, corn on the cob, pasta salad, watermelon, and ice cream sundaes. 

The feeling of going to bed after a long day. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

A doe and her fawn in our yard.

July 27, 2024
Day 2,836

Thankful for: 

A fun morning. 

Pastries and coffee at the Red Truck Bakery. 

McKay's with Addy. I found an author with the last name of Sanderson. I feel like it's a good sign that I will be able to get some work of mine published soon. 

I went grocery shopping with Addy. 

Addy and I saw two turtles mating on our driveway. 

Leftovers for dinner for Matt, Addy, and Tobin. 

A salad for dinner for me. It was so delicious. 

A mother deer and its fawn eating in our backyard in the sunlight. 

Preparations for a bbq with friends tomorrow. 

A cool evening. 

Time to sleep all night. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

New ice cream place.

July 26, 2024
Day 2,835

Thankful for: 

A good day of work. 

Cool air. Fall is coming; I can feel it. 

Getting to see family after work. 

Time with Addy and Tobin. 

We tried the new ice cream place on the way home. 

An easy dinner. 

We finished re-watching The Rings of Power. 

Looking forward to this weekend. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

A good Thursday.

July 25, 2024
Day 2,834

Thankful for: 

A beautiful morning in the forest. 

A sandwich for lunch. 

A good day of work. 

Tobin's favorite dinner for dinner. 

Watching The Rings of Power before bed every night. 

Tomorrow is Friday. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Five things to be happy about.

July 24, 2024
Day 2,833

Thankful for: 

Waking up in the morning next to the love of my life. 

The forest. 

Signs of fall coming. 

A good day of work. 

Coming home to the best family. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Rain on the roof.

July 23, 2024
Day 2,832

Thankful for: 

A great day of work. I got to work summer camp today, and I had a good time with all the kids. Tobin was my helper. He was such an amazing helper. He wore his Luigi hat all day. I don't think it will be much longer than he does things like that. 

We had Panera for lunch. 

Patty came to help me.


A simple, but delicious dinner. 

We watched The Rings of Power again. I cuddled with Tobin while we watched. I'm soaking in all that cuddle time. 

My family. 

Rain on the roof. 

Signs in the forest that fall is coming. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

A great day off.

July 22, 2024
Day 2,831

Thankful for: 

A great day off. 

A husband who loves me enough to work things out with me. Even the little things. A husband who holds my hand even when he's frustrated with me. 

Take out from Foster's. 

Watching The Rings of Power together as a family. 

Ice cream. 

My family. 

Cuddling with Tobin. He's been very cuddly lately, and I'm not complaining about it. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Lazy Sunday

July 21, 2024
Day 2,830

Thankful for: 

A lazy Sunday morning. 

Cinnamon rolls for breakfast after the sleepover. 

Kids playing all day. 

A fun last minute dinner with my parents: burgers and hot dogs on the grill, a delicious salad, and fruit. 

Dogs playing. 

Ice cream. 

The feeling of being off again tomorrow. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Cousins Sleepover.

July 20, 2024
Day 2,829

Thankful for: 

A fun sleepover day for the cousins. 

We made homemade personal pan pizzas. 

We had ice cream sundaes. 

We watched a movie and ate popcorn. 

The girls made jewelry. 

It was a really fun sleepover. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Fun Family Friday!

July 19, 2024
Day 2,828

Thankful for: 

I took the day off today! 

We had a fun family day. 

We went to Starbucks for coffee. 

We went to Sweet Water for lunch. 

We went to the Air and Space Museum. 

We saw the new Twisters movie at the the special movie theater at the museum. 

It was a really fun day!