Monday, July 8, 2024

Salt water.

July 8, 2024
Day 2,817

Thankful for: 

Tears. I once read this quote and it has always stuck with me, "The cure for anything is salt water; sweat, tears, or the sea." -Isak Dinesen 
I agree. 

Hand holding. 


Words I needed to hear. 

My sweet babies. 

My furry baby. 

A very late night dinner. It could actually really be called a midnight snack instead of a dinner since it was eaten past midnight. 

The squeaking of Higbee's toys. 

Answer to prayer. I have been praying these words: "God, help me to see things as they truly are." 

There is love in this home. 

A fun day planned for Matt, Adelyn, and Tobin tomorrow. They are going to Busch Gardens. I'm excited for them to enjoy the day together. 

Air conditioning. 

My family. 

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