Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Sunshine spilling in.

July 9, 2024
Day 2,818

Thankful for:

A really nice day. Matt took Adelyn and Tobin to Busch Gardens, and I worked from home. 

It was nice to have the house all to myself. Just me and Higbee. 

Sunshine spilling in from the windows into the floor. Higbee likes to lay in it. It's a cozy thing to watch. 

Coffee with creme in a red cup. 

Texts from Matt. 

Hugs and kisses from my family. 

A hot shower followed by a cold shower. 

A funny show: The Middle. 

Plans to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I love grocery shopping. 

My cozy and comfortable bed. 

Plans to have a "Dad Day," "Addy Day," "Tobin Day," and a "Mama Day." Each of us get a budget of the $100 to plan a whole day of fun for the whole family. I'm pretty excited about it. 

I'm feeling better today than I have in a few weeks. 

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