Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Fresh chocolate chip cookie batter in the fridge.

July 16, 2024
Day 2,825

Thankful for: 

Family. Patty, Armando, Casey, Phia, Addy, and Tobin came to help me unpack curriculum boxes today. We got it done so quickly. 

Music blasting. 

A haircut. 

Time to work from home the rest of today. 

The kids playing together. 

The Two Sisters Spa. 

Homemade pizza and salad for dinner. 

A fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies ready for baking tomorrow. The batter is in the fridge overnight. 

A fun day of work ahead tomorrow. 

My comfortable bed. 

Hugs and kisses from Addy and Tobin. 

Matt kissed me so sweetly when I was sitting on the couch. 

Time to rest all night.

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